Hello, I am learning to operate with indices.
In the following example I try to calculate a 4-order tensor and then perform a double contraction but when I use inner
I get the error “shapes do not match”.
from dolfin import *
from ufl import indices
import numpy as np
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(2,2)
i,j,k,l,m = indices(5)
I = Identity(2)
a = as_tensor([[1.0,2.0],[0.5,0.5]])
b = as_tensor([[1.5,1.0],[0.3,0.8]])
R = as_tensor(a[i,l]*a[j,k]+a[i,m]*a[j,m]*I[k,l],(i,k,j,l))
c = inner(R,b)
I know I can do it by doing:
c2 = as_tensor(R[i,k,j,l]*b[j,l],(i,k))
but, is there any way to make it work with inner?