Install dolfin for C++ examples

Hi All,

I am having issues installing fenics for trying out c++ examples on MacOs Mojave

I have tried install dolfinx from the git.

To do this I first install ffcx - worked fine

But when I try and dolfinx using cmake, I get the following error that it can’t find ffcx

-- The following REQUIRED packages have not been found:

 * UFC (required version >= 2019.2), Unified language for form-compilers (part of FFC-X), <>

But I can see it is there using the command line

timd$ ffcx
usage: ffcx [-h] [–version] [-d] [-v] [-o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [–visualise]
[-p] [-q QUADRATURE_RULE] [–quadrature-degree QUADRATURE_DEGREE]
[-r {uflacs,tsfc}] [-f name value] [-u name value]
ufl_file [ufl_file …]
ffcx: error: the following arguments are required: ufl_file

Any help would be great.



Check that your include and lib paths are set up correctly.

I’m coming up with the same error (installing from git, Ubuntu 19.10, following the provided instructions). Could someone give an example of the libraries/headers used from UFC so that I can check the include/lib paths?

I fixed my problem. It turns out I had a previous version of ffc installed, which did not meet the requirements for the development branch. Manually deleting all references to ffc in my python distribution and reinstalling ffc solved the issue.

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