Hi All,
I am having issues installing fenics for trying out c++ examples on MacOs Mojave
I have tried install dolfinx from the git.
To do this I first install ffcx - worked fine
But when I try and dolfinx using cmake, I get the following error that it can’t find ffcx
-- The following REQUIRED packages have not been found:
* UFC (required version >= 2019.2), Unified language for form-compilers (part of FFC-X), <https://github.com/fenics/ffcx>
But I can see it is there using the command line
timd$ ffcx
usage: ffcx [-h] [–version] [-d] [-v] [-o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [–visualise]
[-p] [-q QUADRATURE_RULE] [–quadrature-degree QUADRATURE_DEGREE]
[-r {uflacs,tsfc}] [-f name value] [-u name value]
ufl_file [ufl_file …]
ffcx: error: the following arguments are required: ufl_file
Any help would be great.