Interpolation matrix with non matching meshes

msh_0.geometry.dofmap.links(i) returns vertex ids of the ith cell, e.g. it returns 3 integers for mesh with triangle elements. To use that with the following

cell_geom_nodes = msh_0.geometry.dofmap.links(i)
cell_geom_coords = msh_0.geometry.x[cell_geom_nodes]

In v0.8.0, you can do

cell_geom_nodes = msh_0.geometry.dofmap[i]
cell_geom_coords = msh_0.geometry.x[cell_geom_nodes]
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I also want to add that there’s a unit test for interpolation that includes nonmatching meshes, e.g. at dolfinx/python/test/unit/fem/ at main · FEniCS/dolfinx · GitHub

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I am sorry, but at the moment I am still working with version 0.6.0 as well. I have built an entire set of tools for vibroacoustics with it, and my daily work relies on it. I will port all the scripts to the most recent version, but I cannot promise when I will do that.

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You can also have a look at the following post, where strategy and functionality are used to create a interpolation matrix in parallel.