Links from Docker image require token

I have tried the newest version of Fenics from here . I installed he Docker image, and when I run it, I got two HTTP links. One is broken (the browser does not open it), and the other asks for token. I tried to copy and paste the token from the URL as instructed, but it did not work (Invalid credentials). What should I do? Thank you!

You should use the http that starts with:
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Thank you! This link works now. However, when I am trying to run the code in the Jupyter notebook (choosing dolfinx one) at the line “import dolfin” I get a mistake “No module named dolfin”. I didn’t have this mistake before when using Fenics on Anaconda. what should I do with it? Thank you!

The instructions tells you how to install the latest version of dolfin, called dolfinx.

To use the legacy code, dolfin, see:

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