Loading XDMF file in paraview

I generate the output visualisation file as a .xdmf. However, when i try to load it in paraview 5.6 with xdmf3 reader, it ends up crashing with following error.

“terminating with uncaught exception of type XdmfError: Number of dimensions in light data description in Xdmf does not match number of dimensions in hdf5 file.”

Any advise about how to go about solving this issue would be helpful.

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Probably need to provide more detail on how you generated the xdmf file, or a minimal working example to reproduce your problem.

Sorry for the late reply. I tend to stop simulation before its completed (because of the long run time). And the xdmf results were not flushed developing this error. However adding this flush command the problem was resolved.
xdmfFile.parameters["flush_output"] = True


I had the same problem even if I waited the simulation completion. See the details on how I generated the xdmf file on https://discourse.paraview.org/t/failure-to-read-xdmf-files-generated-by-fenics/4928/4?u=azerad