Hello all,
I am currently solving a problem in which I need to apply a boundary condition on only particular parts of a boundary face. I have explained the details below, with the code that I’m working with.
The domain is a unit cube ranging from x = 0 to 1, y = 0 to 1 and z = -1 to 0.
I have a function that is defined over the domain. I have assigned it to random values as shown in the code below.
Now, based on the values of this function on the Top Boundary Face (z=0), I need to appropriately mark this boundary face.
That is, if this function is less than zero on the Top boundary, I want to mark those parts of the Top Boundary as 2.
If this function is greater than or equal to zero on the Top boundary, then I want to mark those parts of the Top Boundary as 1.
(For my specific case, this function needs to be defined over the entire domain)
Please see the code below.
from dolfin import *
import numpy as np
N = 30
mesh = UnitCubeMesh.create(N, N, N//2, CellType.Type.hexahedron)
# mesh is mapped to a [-1;0] domain along z
mesh.coordinates()[:, 2] = -mesh.coordinates()[:, 2]
# Top boundary: z = 0
class Top(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return near(x[2], 0.) and on_boundary
# exterior facets MeshFunction
facets = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, 2)
Top().mark(facets, 1) # Marking the entire top boundary as 1 initially
ds = Measure('ds', subdomain_data=facets)
# Function based on which the Top boundary (z=0) needs to be marked
V2 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
indicator = Function(V2)
dim = V2.dim()
N = mesh.geometry().dim()
coor = V2.tabulate_dof_coordinates().reshape(dim,N)
fx_dofs = V2.dofmap().dofs()
x = coor[:, 0] # x-coordiantes
y = coor[:, 1] # y-coordinates
fx_x, fx_y = x[fx_dofs], y[fx_dofs] # x, y of components
# there are a few operations I need to do based on the x any y co-ordinates,
# but I have simplied it to a random function (as shown below) for now
fx = np.random.randn(*fx_x.shape)
# Final indicator function
indicator.vector()[fx_dofs] = fx
I want to do something like this,
if(indicator function on top boundary >= 0) --> mark those co-ordinates on the Top boundary as 1.
if(indicator function on top boundary < 0) --> mark those co-ordinates on the Top boundary as 2.
I am then hoping to use the marked regions of the boundary - ds(1) and ds(2) in the Variational Formulation.
Thank you all in advance for taking time to help me with the issue !