Mesh Rectangular

hello everyone, sorry someone for helping me, I want a mesh of a rectangular plate, whose parameters are: (l=145mm,h=45mm,dx=l/6=26,14 and dy= h/6=7.5), below is my proposal, but it does not give the right result: thank you, your suggestion will help me a lot.

from dolfin import *
nx = ny = 6
# la maille ,plaque pour longueur l=145 ET hauteur h=45
mesh =RectangleMesh(Point(0, 0), Point(h, l), nx, ny,'left')

This should be
mesh =RectangleMesh(Point(0, 0), Point(l, h), nx, ny,'left')

HI dokken,thank you,but i want a step of dx=l/6=24,16 and dy=h/6=7,5 ;please help me

When I display the x and y values, it is correct, but on plot(mesh) the figure does not show the floating point numbers

Are you asking about how to add more floating point values to the plotted figure?
Note that the plotting backend of dolfin is based on matplotlib, and that you can configure the plots with any matplotlib command, including those in: Major and minor ticks — Matplotlib 3.1.2 documentation.

hi !sorry for my silence i was a little busy that’s why ,thank you for the helping