Mixed Functionspace with facet

Hello together,
I am relatively new to Fenics and have the following problem.
I looking for a way to have a mixed Functionspace with restriction for
some Subspace on the facets.
I have found a solution to the problem for an old Fenics version.

msh = UnitSquareMesh(m,m)
E   = FunctionSpace(msh,"DG", degree+2)      
CG  = FunctionSpace(msh,"CG", degree+1)        
Q   = FunctionSpace(msh,"BDM",degree,restriction="facet")
X = MixedFunctionSpace( [E,CG,Q] )

However, this no longer works for my Fenics 2019 version. Is there any solution for this?

MixedFunctionSpace is deprecated, see: Replacement of MixedFunctionSpace and how to use facet restrictions: Replacement of MixedFunctionSpace (later post by @cdaversin)

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