I am looking for a way to combine both so I can apply the flux boundary conditions in the mixed formulation using the Nitsche method. Any help is appreciated.
I haven’t worked much with the mixed Poisson problem, so there’s probably something smarter in the porous media literature, but my quick attempt of
#bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), G, boundary)
# Mark boundary sub-domains:
class Gamma_N(SubDomain):
def inside(self,x,on_boundary):
return boundary(x)
boundary_marker = MeshFunction("size_t",mesh,mesh.topology().dim()-1,0)
ds = Measure("ds",domain=mesh,subdomain_data=boundary_marker)
# Formulation:
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
h = CellDiameter(mesh)
C_pen = Constant(1e1)
res = (dot(sigma, tau) + div(tau)*u + div(sigma)*v + f*v)*dx \
- dot(tau,n)*u0*ds(0) - dot(tau,n)*u*ds(1) - dot(sigma-G,n)*v*ds(1) \
+ C_pen*h*inner(dot(sigma-G,n),dot(tau,n))*ds(1)
a = lhs(res)
L = rhs(res)
seems to work reasonably well, with \Vert u^h-u\Vert_{L^2} converging at first order, as expected for DG0 spaces.
My “derivation” of this is to do the following:
Keep the boundary term from div(tau)*u*dx on \Gamma_N, since \tau\cdot n is no longer zero.
Integrate div(sigma)*v*dx by parts, replace dot(sigma,n) with dot(G,n) in the boundary term, then integrate by parts again, but without replacing dot(sigma,n).
Add a penalty term, where the factor of h compensates for the difference in units between ds and dx (comparing units with the dot(sigma,tau)*dx term).
Not a typo, but now that I look at it again, I see that the wording is unclear. What I meant was: “Keep the boundary term -dot(tau,n)*u*ds(1) on \Gamma_N, which comes from the integration by parts used to obtain the term div(tau)*u*dx.”