Hello, I am implementing the following matrix-fiber model (Liu et al., 2019):
,where Ie and I4e contain the internal variables. To validate the code I am comparing with a numerical example, from the same paper, that deals with a relaxation simulation on a biaxially stretched plate. The plate is stretched in two directions for 1 second until it reaches a stretch of 1.1, then the displacement remains constant.
My problem is that after I have exhausted all attempts, the results of the Cauchy stress are different, using the analytical expression and also using diff()
, see Figure 1.
The internal variables are well updated in each iteration since the paper delivers the dissipation curves of the Clasius-Duhem inequality of the example I am using to validate, see Figure 2.
Because of the above, I think there is something in my code that is not correct. It is worth mentioning that I also tried to do it with mixed u-p formulation, but it reached almost the same results. The following is part of my code:
## Function Space
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
u = Function(V)
un = Function(V, name = "Displacement")
v = TestFunction(V)
du = TrialFunction(V)
# Tensorial Space
ET2 = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0, shape=(3,3))
# Scalar Space
ET0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
# Internal Variable
Cmv = Function(ET2, name = "inverse matrix Cv")
#** The 2nd internal variable I treat it as a scalar
## Dirichlet Boundary Conditions
bc1 = DirichletBC(V.sub(0), Constant(0.), facets, 1) # x = 0 >> UX = 0
bc2 = DirichletBC(V.sub(2), Constant(0.), facets, 3) # z = 0 >> UZ = 0
bc3 = DirichletBC(V.sub(1), Constant(0.), facets, 5) # y = 0 >> UY = 0
tDirBC = Expression(('eps_d*time_'),eps_d = 0.0, time_=0.0 , degree=0)
bc4 = DirichletBC(V.sub(0), tDirBC, facets, 2) # x = 1 >> UX = disp
bc5 = DirichletBC(V.sub(2), tDirBC, facets, 4) # z = 1 >> UZ = disp
bcs = [bc1,bc2,bc3,bc4,bc5]
## Neumann Boundary Conditions
B = Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Body force per unit volume
T = Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Traction force on the boundary
## Fiber direction
theta = np.radians(0.0)
a0 = as_vector([cos(theta),sin(theta),0.0]) # Directional vector
A0 = outer(a0,a0) # Structural 2nd order tensor
## Initialize variables
I4_ = Constant(1.0) # [I₄ᶦˢᵒ]⁰ = 1 (Coefficient)
I4v = Constant(1.0) # [I₄ᵥ]⁰ = 1 (Coefficient)
I4v_ = Constant(1.0) # [I₄ᵥᶦˢᵒ]⁰ = 1 (Coefficient)
# Internal Variables
Cmv.assign(project(I, ET2)) # [(Cᵐᵥ)⁻¹]⁰ = I (Coefficient)
I4e_ = Constant(1) # [I₄ₑᶦˢᵒ]⁰ = 1 (Coefficient)
## Energy Functional
def FreeEnergy(u,Cmv,I4e_):
[Input] u : [u]ⁿ (displacement field)
Cmv : [(Cᵐᵥ)⁻¹]ⁿ (matrix)
I4e_ : [I₄ₑᶦˢᵒ]ⁿ (fiber)
[Output] Ψₙ₊₁ : Free Energy function
## Kinematics
# Invariants
I1 = tr(C)
I4 = inner(C,A0)
# Isochoric Invariants
I1_ = J**(-2/3)*I1
Ie_ = inner(C_,Cmv)
I4_ = inner(C_,A0)
## Free Energy
PSImeq = Constant(c)*(I1_ - Constant(3))
PSImvs = Constant(beta1)*Constant(c)*(Ie_ - Constant(3))
PSIfeq = Constant(k1/(2*k2))*(exp(Constant(k2)*(I4_ - 1)**2) - Constant(1))
PSIfvs = Constant(beta2*k1/(2*k2))*(exp(Constant(k2)*(I4e_ - 1)**2) - Constant(1))
PSIvol = Constant(0.5*k)*(J - 1)**2
return PSImeq + PSIfeq + PSIvol + PSImvs + PSIfvs
Pi = FreeEnergy(u,Cmv,I4e_)*dx - dot(B, u)*dx - dot(T, u)*ds(4)
DPi = derivative(Pi, u, v)
Jac = derivative(DPi, u, du)
problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(DPi, u, bcs=bcs, J=Jac)
solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem)
for i, d in enumerate(Time):
if StretchLimit < 1.1:
tDirBC.time_ = d
tDirBC.time_ = Time[i-j]
j += 1
## Solve Non-linear variational problem
# Input: [u]ⁿ, [(Cᵐᵥ)⁻¹]ⁿ, [I₄ₑᶦˢᵒ]ⁿ # Ouput: [u]ⁿ⁺¹
## Update Kinematics
## Update Internal Variables
Cmv0 = Cmv # [(Cᵐᵥ)⁻¹]ⁿ (Coefficient)
I4v0 = I4v # [I₄ᵥ]ⁿ (Coefficient)
Cmv, I4v, I4e_, alpha = IntVar(Cn,Cn_,Cmv0,I4v0,pt,dt) # [(Cᵐᵥ)⁻¹]ⁿ⁺¹, [I₄ᵥ]ⁿ⁺¹, [I₄ₑᶦˢᵒ]ⁿ⁺¹, α
## Update Strain
Farray = np.reshape(evaluate_function(local_project(Fn, ET2),pt),[3,3]) # [F]ⁿ⁺¹ (Array)
R, U = polar(Farray) # Rotation, Stretch Tensor
H = np.log(U) # [H]ⁿ⁺¹ Hencky Strain
StretchLimit = U[0][0] # Relaxation stretch point [Liu et al. 2019]
## Update Stress
# 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff
Sniso_eq, Sniso_vis, Snani_eq, Snani_vis, hydro = Stress(un,Cmv,I4_,I4e_)
Sn = Sniso_eq + Sniso_vis + Snani_eq + Snani_vis + hydro
Seq = Sniso_eq + Snani_eq + hydro
# Cauchy
Cauchy = inv(Jn)*Fn*Sn*Fn.T
CauchyEq = inv(Jn)*Fn*Seq*Fn.T
I appreciate any help you can give me, I am really stuck on this.