Normal trace like a Boundary Condition for Darcy Equation

Hi everyone, I am solving a Nonlinear Darcy with porosity depending of the pressure. The boundary conditions are p=h in Gamma_D and u \cdot n = g in Gamma_N. The boundary condition for the pressure is natural and the velocity is essential. My problem is with the imposition of the Neumann condition in the space. I have tried to define the normal trace of the velocity like . On other hand, I have tried imposse the normal trace like a Dirichet condition using W.sub(0).sub(1) and doesn’t work either. By last, I have impossed the normal trace doing zero the term which is annulled in the exact velocity with the normal. In every case I haven’t got the correct solution. Is there any form to implement that?

from dolfin import *
import math

#Define Natural Boundary
class GammaD(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return near(x[1],1.0) or near(x[0],1.0)

# Define essential boundary
class GammaNT(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return near(x[1],0.0) #or near(x[1],1.0) 

class GammaNU(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return near(x[0],0.0)

num = 4;  h = []; errorp = []; erroru = []; errorpu = []; 
ratep = []; rateu = []; ratepu = [];
rateu.append(0.0); ratep.append(0.0); ratepu.append(0.0); 
Lx = 1.0; Ly = 1.0;

for dk in range(num):
    # Create mesh
    mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(0.0, 0.0), Point(Lx, Ly), int(Lx/d), int(Ly/d),"crossed")  
    #Boundaries References: 1=Natural; 2=Essential
    sub_domains = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1)
    gammaD = GammaD()
    gammaD.mark(sub_domains, 1)
    gammant = GammaNT()
    gammant.mark(sub_domains, 2)
    gammanu = GammaNU()
    gammanu.mark(sub_domains, 3)

    #Defining Measures 
    ds = Measure('ds', domain = mesh, subdomain_data = sub_domains)
    n   =  FacetNormal(mesh)
    hh = mesh.hmax()

    # Define function spaces and mixed (product) space
    V = VectorElement("P", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
    Q  = FiniteElement("P", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1) 
    W = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement([V,Q]))

    # Define trial and test functions
    (u, p) = TrialFunctions(W)
    (v, q) = TestFunctions(W)

    # Define source function
    u1 = "pow(x[1],3"
    u2 = "pow(x[0],3)"
    u_ex=Expression(("-pow(x[1],3)","pow(x[0],3)"), domain=mesh, degree=3)
    unt =Expression(("-pow(x[1],3)","0"), domain=mesh, degree=3)
    unu =Expression(("0","-pow(x[0],3)"), domain=mesh, degree=3) 
    p_ex = Expression("pow(x[0],2)-pow(x[1],2)", domain=mesh, degree=2)
    u3 = "-pow(x[1],3)"
    u4 = "-pow(x[0],3)"
    ut=Expression(u3, domain=mesh, degree=7)
    uu=Expression(u4, domain=mesh, degree=7) 
    # Define variational form
    f = u_ex-grad(p_ex) 
    B = (inner(u, v) + div(v)*p - div(u)*q -0.5*inner(u-grad(p),v+grad(q)))*dx +inner(div(u),div(v))*dx 
    F = inner(f,v)*dx + inner(dot(v,n), p_ex)*ds(1)-0.5*inner(f,v+grad(q))*dx 

    # Define function of normal trace like a dirichlet condition
    class BoundarySource(UserExpression):
        def __init__(self, mesh, **kwargs):
            self.mesh = mesh
        def eval_cell(self, values, x, ufc_cell):
            cell = Cell(self.mesh, ufc_cell.index)
            n = cell.normal(ufc_cell.local_facet)
            g = pow(x[0],3)
            values[0] = g*n[0]
            values[1] = g*n[1]
        def value_shape(self):
            return (2,)
    G = BoundarySource(mesh, degree=2)
    #bc1 = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), unt, sub_domains, 2)
    #bc2 = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), unt, sub_domains, 3)

    bc1 = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), ut, sub_domains, 2)
    bc2 = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), uu, sub_domains, 3)
    bc = [bc1,bc2]

    # Compute solution
    w = Function(W)
    solve(B == F, w, bc)
    (u, p) = w.split()
    u.rename("velocity","velocity"); p.rename("pressure","pressure");
    pex_avg = Constant(assemble(p_ex*dx)/assemble(1.0*dx(domain=mesh)))
    p_avg = Constant(assemble(p*dx)/assemble(1.0*dx(domain=mesh)))

    ep = (grad(p_ex - p))**2*dx
    ep = sqrt(abs(assemble(ep)))
    e0 = (u_ex - u)**2*dx
    ed = (div(u_ex - u))**2*dx
    eu = sqrt(abs(assemble(e0+ed)))
    error= ep+eu 
    #Logarithmic rates


# ********  Generating table of convergences **** #
print( 'h  &  ||p-p_h||_1 &   || u - u_h ||_0  &  rate p & rate u   & rate p-u')
for i in range(num):
    print('%4.4g & %4.4g & %4.4g  & %4.4g & %4.4g  & %4.4g '% (h[i], errorp[i], erroru[i], ratep[i], rateu[i], ratepu[i]))

#Saving the solution
ufile_pvd = File("ejem2/velocity.pvd")
ufile_pvd << u
pfile_pvd = File("ejem2/pressure.pvd")
pfile_pvd << p
p_in=interpolate(p_ex, W.sub(1).collapse())
pinfile_pvd = File("ejem2/p_in.pvd")
pinfile_pvd << p_in
u_in=interpolate(u_ex, W.sub(0).collapse())


Please encapsulate your code using ``` such that it is formatted properly and can be run by others.

See for instance @nate’s dolfin-dg implementation. Here he has imposed slip conditions and used a tangetial projection for the neumann condition (see in particular line 76 and 96)

I haven’t looked much at your code, but I see that you use continuous Lagrange for your Darcy implementation. As far as I know, you need to use the spaces

RT = FiniteElement(“RT”, mesh.ufl_cell(), 1) #raviert-thomas
DG = FiniteElement(“DG”, mesh.ufl_cell(), 0)

to satisfy the Ladyzhenskaya-Babuska-Brezzi condition.

Thanks, I have solved that problem stabilizing the equation with the end of use equal order for the pressure and flux. I found the answer to my problem only using the code W.sub(0).sub(1), according to the boundary where I impose the condition.