Hi everybody,
I need to define two subdomains, each of which has its own governing PDE, and an interface coupling condition between the two. The variational formulation resembles
... + \int_{\Gamma_s} (\mathbf{n}_1 \cdot \mathbf{u}) \overline{q} ds + \int_{\Gamma_s} \mathbf{n}_1 \cdot \mathbf{\overline{v}} ds = \int_{\Gamma}(\partial_{\mathbf{n}_2} p) \overline{q} ds + ...
Here, \overline{q} and \mathbf{\overline{v}} are test functions, p and \mathbf{u} are trial functions, \mathbf{n}_1 is the outward surface-normal unit vector on \Gamma_s (interface), and \mathbf{n}_2 is the outward surface-normal unit vector on \Gamma (external boundaries).
My question is, what is the proper way of defining \mathbf{n}_1 and \partial_{\mathbf{n}_2}?
I thought of using
n_1 = FacetNormal(mesh)
n_2 = FacetNormal(mesh)
a = ... + inner(n_1, u)*q*ds(1) + inner(n_1, v)*ds(1)
L = inner(grad(p),n_2)*q*ds(0) + ...
but Iām not sure if the āFacetNormal()
ā function was designed for this. Can someone explain it?