Parallel solving and projecting using comm_world and comm_self

I’m experimenting a bit with FEniCS parallelization and I did a couple of tests to see how performance change initializing the mesh with MPI.COMM_WORLD or MPI.COMM_SELF. Thus, I initialized different unit square mashes:

mesh = fenics.UnitSquareMesh(comm, nx, nx)

Varying the comm (MPI.COMM_WORLD | MPI.COMM_SELF) and nx. Then, I tryed to:

  • project a simple expression
  • using solve to solve a simple Poisson PDE

In the following table I reported the results I got. A bit of legend:

  • First column is the nx I used for the mesh;
  • Second column: execution time using MPI.COMM_SELF
  • Third column: execution time using MPI.COMM_WORLD
  • Fourth column: ratio between the first execution time and the latter
*** Project with 10 processors ***
| nx  | self           | world          | self / world  |
| 50  | 0.124116361141 | 0.072749234736 | 1.70608476628 |
| 100 | 0.362367616966 | 0.10394997336  | 3.48598085458 |
| 200 | 1.35334802978  | 0.226942427456 | 5.96339805186 |
| 500 | 9.06603579968  | 1.11628183536  | 8.12163694909 |

*** Solving with 10 processors ***
| nx  | self           | world          | self / world  |
| 50  | 0.314215470105 | 0.277740204707 | 1.13132871936 |
| 100 | 1.10572536848  | 0.987633908167 | 1.11957007484 |
| 200 | 4.79371981137  | 3.78673086129  | 1.26592567229 |
| 500 | 42.3490756564  | 22.4998066388  | 1.88219731557 |

As you can see, using MPI.COMM_SELF results in a much slower execution. Does it mean that using comm_self impairs the parallel execution?
Also, why projecting is so much slower than solving? As far as I know, project calls solve inside.

Thank you in advance.


  • I’m using a parallel solver, more precisely gmres with preconditioner hypre_euclid
  • The execution times I got are computed with timeit on 10 executions, so these are not random fluctuations

Code (if interested)

import fenics
import timeit
import numpy as np

# get comm_self and comm_world
comm_self = fenics.MPI.comm_self
comm_world = fenics.MPI.comm_world
rank = comm_world.Get_rank()
size = comm_world.Get_size()
root = 0

# use parallel solver
solver_parameters = {"linear_solver": "gmres", "preconditioner": "hypre_euclid"}

def test_project_time(mesh: fenics.Mesh):
    # define expression
    V = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    expr = fenics.Expression("x[0] < 0.5 ? 1. : 0.", degree=1)
    foo = fenics.Function(V)
    # project
    foo.assign(fenics.project(expr, V,

def test_solving_time(mesh: fenics.Mesh):
    # define problem
    V = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    expr = fenics.Expression("x[0] < 0.5 ? 1. : 0.", degree=1)
    u = fenics.TrialFunction(V)
    v = fenics.TestFunction(V)
    s = fenics.Function(V)
    s.assign(fenics.project(expr, V))
    a =, fenics.grad(v)) * fenics.dx
    L = s * v * fenics.dx
    u = fenics.Function(V)
    # solve
    fenics.solve(a == L, u, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)

def print_table(table):
    col_width = [max(len(x) for x in col) for col in zip(*table)]
    for line in table:
        print("| " + " | ".join("{:{}}".format(x, col_width[i]) for i, x in enumerate(line)) + " |")

# test for mesh size
if __name__ == "__main__":
    sides = np.array([50, 100, 200, 500])
    project_times_s = np.empty(sides.shape)
    solving_times_s = np.empty(sides.shape)
    project_times_w = np.empty(sides.shape)
    solving_times_w = np.empty(sides.shape)
    project_sw_ratio = np.empty(sides.shape)
    solving_sw_ratio = np.empty(sides.shape)
    for i, side in enumerate(sides):
        if rank == root:
            print(f"step {i} on 4")
        # initialize mesh
        nx = ny = side
        mesh_self = fenics.UnitSquareMesh(comm_self, nx, ny)
        mesh_world = fenics.UnitSquareMesh(comm_world, nx, ny)
        # measure time
        project_times_s[i] = timeit.timeit("test_project_time(mesh_self)",
                                           setup="from __main__ import mesh_self, test_project_time",
        solving_times_s[i] = timeit.timeit("test_solving_time(mesh_self)",
                                           setup="from __main__ import mesh_self, test_solving_time",
        project_times_w[i] = timeit.timeit("test_project_time(mesh_world)",
                                           setup="from __main__ import mesh_world, test_project_time",
        solving_times_w[i] = timeit.timeit("test_solving_time(mesh_world)",
                                           setup="from __main__ import mesh_world, test_solving_time",
        project_sw_ratio[i] = project_times_s[i] / project_times_w[i]
        solving_sw_ratio[i] = solving_times_s[i] / solving_times_w[i]

    # setup tables
    project_table = [(str(side), str(project_time_s), str(project_time_w), str(sw_ratio))
                     for side, project_time_s, project_time_w, sw_ratio
                     in zip(sides, project_times_s, project_times_w, project_sw_ratio)]
    project_table.insert(0, ("nx", "self", "world", "self / world"))
    solving_table = [(str(side), str(solving_time_s), str(solving_time_w), str(sw_ratio))
                     for side, solving_time_s, solving_time_w, sw_ratio
                     in zip(sides, solving_times_s, solving_times_w, solving_sw_ratio)]
    solving_table.insert(0, ("nx", "self", "world", "self / world"))
    # print tables
    if rank == root:
        print(f"*** Project with {size} processors ***")
        print(f"*** Solving with {size} processors ***")

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When you initialize a mesh with MPI.COMM_SELF you create a mesh (with all cells on each process).
This means that the mesh is not partitioned and you solve a problem for each mesh on each process.
If you use MPI.COMM_WORLD the mesh gets paritioned (one mesh distributed over multiple processes).

As to the execution time, I think you mean “why is solving solver than projecting?”.
Simply change your solve to solving inner(u, v)*dx instead of inner(grad(u), grad(v))*dx. What you will then realize, is that your solve function includes a projection (which is solving inner(u,v)*dx=inner(expr,v)).
If your change your solving function to:

def test_solving_time(mesh: fenics.Mesh):
    # define problem
    V = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    expr = fenics.Expression("x[0] < 0.5 ? 1. : 0.", degree=1)
    u = fenics.TrialFunction(V)
    v = fenics.TestFunction(V)
    a =, v) * fenics.dx
    L = expr * v * fenics.dx
    u = fenics.Function(V)
    # solve
    fenics.solve(a == L, u, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)

you should get similar timings as projection.

If you use:

    a =, fenics.grad(v)) * fenics.dx
    L = expr * v * fenics.dx
    u = fenics.Function(V)

in your solve function it will be marginally slower than projecting expr which has to do with the efficiency of the solver and preconditioner you are using (on a stiffness matrix and not a mass matrix).

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Dear Dokken,
Sorry for answering late, I missed the notification of your answer.

Thank you a lot for clarifying! Now everything is clear.

To sum up then:

  • using MPI.COMM_SELF makes the code (projecting or solving) run in serial on each process. This explains why observe slower execution compared to MPI.COMM_WORLD.
  • solve is slower than project (yes, I mistyped in my first post, sorry) because inner(grad(u), grad(v))*dx require solve to project to get the gradients.


solve in itself is not solver than project, because it does not project to get the gradients. It was only slower because you did a project

of the RHS, which is not required.

Excuse me Dokken, you are perfectly right. Sorry for being distracted.

Anyway, everything is clear now. Thank you a lot for your help!