Project matrix from one function space to another function space

I have to function spaces, like

mesh1 = UnitSquareMesh(8, 8)
mesh2 = refine(mesh1)

V1 = FunctionSpace(mesh1, "CG", 1)
V2 = FunctionSpace(mesh2, "CG", 1)

project_matrix = something_like_project(V2, V1) # I want to obtain the matrix

So how to implement?

I’m not quite sure what you mean, but it sounds like maybe you’re looking for something like the PETScDMCollection functionality. Take a look at the following example:

from dolfin import *

# Two different meshes and function spaces:
mesh1 = UnitIntervalMesh(7)
mesh2 = UnitIntervalMesh(100)
V1 = FunctionSpace(mesh1,"Lagrange",1)
V2 = FunctionSpace(mesh2,"Lagrange",1)

# Create some function in V1:
f1 = Function(V1)

# Create a transfer matrix from V1 to V2, and use it to interpolate f1 in V2:
A = PETScDMCollection.create_transfer_matrix(V1,V2)
f2 = Function(V2)
f2.vector()[:] = A*f1.vector()

# Plot results:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Thank you very much! That’s exactly what I want.

Sorry to bother you again. I find something is wrong if I obtain mesh2 from refining mesh1, like below.

from dolfin import *

# Two different meshes and function spaces:
mesh1 = UnitIntervalMesh(7)
# mesh2 = UnitIntervalMesh(100)
mesh2 = refine(refine(mesh1)) # ???
V1 = FunctionSpace(mesh1,"Lagrange",1)
V2 = FunctionSpace(mesh2,"Lagrange",1)

# Create some function in V1:
f1 = Function(V1)

# Create a transfer matrix from V1 to V2, and use it to interpolate f1 in V2:
A = PETScDMCollection.create_transfer_matrix(V1,V2)
f2 = Function(V2)
f2.vector()[:] = A*f1.vector()

# Plot results:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

And the result is like

And I believe it’s about DOFs numbering, but how to fix it?

You can try using the solution from this old thread

of sorting the mesh coordinates:

# ...

# mesh2 = UnitIntervalMesh(100)
mesh2 = refine(refine(mesh1)) # ???

####### Added #######

V1 = FunctionSpace(mesh1,"Lagrange",1)
V2 = FunctionSpace(mesh2,"Lagrange",1)

# ...

Thank you for your time and patience. This one solves my problem, but I find another problem.
When I add
my stiffness matrix become singular. I think this function may have a bug.
The whole code is below

from fenics import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sympy

def AllExpressions(sigma, cell): # the PDE's exact solution and source term
    x, y = sympy.symbols("x[0] x[1]")
    u = sympy.exp(x*y) * sympy.sin(pi*x) * sympy.sin(pi*y) # exact solution, satisfies boundary condition

    u_x = u.diff(x, 1)
    u_y = u.diff(y, 1)
    u_xx = u_x.diff(x, 1)
    u_yy = u_y.diff(y, 1)
    f = -(u_xx + u_yy) \
        + (sigma.values()[0]*u_x + sigma.values()[1]*u_y)

    u = Expression(sympy.printing.ccode(u), degree=6, cell=cell)
    f = Expression(sympy.printing.ccode(f), degree=4, cell=cell)
    return u, f

def solve_coarse_problem():
    # ------------------------------------------------- coarse mesh problem -------------------------------------------
    p, q = TrialFunction(VH), TestFunction(VH)
    AH = assemble(inner(grad(p), grad(q)) * dx + inner(sigma, grad(p)) * q * dx)
    bH = assemble(f * q * dx)

    solver = KrylovSolver()
    uH = Function(VH)
    solver.solve(uH.vector(), bH)

    plot(uH, mode="warp", title="solution on coarse space")

def solve_fine_problem():
    # ----------------------------------------------- fine mesh problem -----------------------------------------------
    u, v = TrialFunction(Vh), TestFunction(Vh)
    Ah = assemble(inner(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx + inner(sigma, grad(u)) * v * dx)
    bh = assemble(f * v * dx)

    solver = KrylovSolver()
    uh = Function(Vh)
    solver.solve(uh.vector(), bh)

    plot(uh, mode="warp", title="solution on fine space")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sigma = Constant((8, 8))
    cell = "triangle"
    u_exact, f = AllExpressions(sigma, cell)
    element = FiniteElement("CG", cell, 1)

    coarse = UnitSquareMesh(8, 8)
    fine = refine(refine(refine(coarse)))
    fine.coordinates().sort(axis=0) # comment this line, I can get the right result!!!

    VH = FunctionSpace(coarse, element)
    bcH = DirichletBC(VH, Constant(0.0), DomainBoundary())

    Vh = FunctionSpace(fine, element)
    bch = DirichletBC(Vh, Constant(0.0), DomainBoundary())


It’s really just a hack to fix interactive plotting on refined meshes in 1D. In 2D or 3D, or if plotting 1D results with an external software like Paraview, it’s not necessary.

I am not interested in interactive plotting. I want to get a transfer matrix from coarse space to fine space by coarse_to_fine = PETScDMCollection.create_transfer_matrix(VH, Vh). After refining coarse mesh several times, I get the fine mesh and I define fine function space with it.
Now if I add fine.coordinates().sort(axis=0), I get a singular stiffness matrix. But without fine.coordinates().sort(axis=0), the stiffness matrix is not singular and I get the right numerical solution.
So where is wrong? Thank you very much in advance!

The issue is that renumbering of vertices due to coordinates sort is not reflected elsewhere, for example in encoding of cells. In the following the sort introduces cells with 0 volume

from dolfin import *

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(32, 32)
print(min(c.volume() for c in cells(mesh)))

print(min(c.volume() for c in cells(mesh)))