Pyvista backend pythreejs

Hello everyone! * I’m having trouble drawing with PyVista.When I run the following codes, I get no errors and no diagrams. And then I found that none of the three attributes of backend related to PyVista could be graphically drawn. Only when this property is set to ‘None’ can the graph be drawn.

import pyvista as pv
from pyvista import examples

download an example and display it using physically based rendering.

mesh = examples.download_lucy()
mesh.plot(color=‘lightgrey’, pbr=True, metallic=0.2,

And this problem is found through running the examples The Helmholtz equation — FEniCS 22 tutorial ( * The original error is as follows.

I look forward to getting questions answered. Thank you very much!

See: Mesh plots not showing up - #2 by dokken
and feel free to bump the issue on github