Removing the ksp_view

Hi everyone,

I am solving a linear problem with the PETSc.KSP solver.
I have turned on the ksp_view option and I get nice info from the solver.

solver = PETSc.KSP().create(my_domain.comm)
opts = PETSc.Options()
opts[“ksp_type”] = “cg”
opts[“ksp_view”] = None

But how do I turn off the view option (this is few pages of output for each solve)?


(dolfinx, jupyter, macos)

You can just remove it, or comment it out, e.g.

# opts[“ksp_view”] = None

If you only want to view it at some specific point you can call ksp.view() where ksp is your PETSc KSP instantiation.

You can also set options for individual solvers by using a option prefix. This is for instance done in: dolfinx/ at 3d6b15eb947fc42342e26c484ba31a3c46658e32 · FEniCS/dolfinx · GitHub

thank you for your answer. The problem is once I have set the ksp_view on, I cannot remove it. Commenting the line and re-executing the (jupyter) cell does not change the verbosity (I still get lots of info). (Of course, if I restart the kernel, this is OK…)

Thanks for the solver.view() trick.