Solve a problem in an unmarked subdivided domain using the same material

Hello everyone.
I have a domain like the one in the image (only the front view is represented) that I built in solidwork and imported into Gmsh for the mesh.
In Gmsh, I did not specify the sudoumaine. I’ve just specified the surfaces required for the boundary conditions.
I want to solve an elasticity problem. The material parameters are the same everywhere (which is why I haven’t specified any sub-domains).
When I apply pressure to the inner surface, after solving, only the inner surface with the domain containing it is deformed. The other parts are not affected by the deformation even though it is the same material everywhere.
Can anyone give me a solution?
Thanks in advance.
(I use FEniCs 2019)

Try removing all duplicate points in Gmsh, as your mesh Seems disconnected.
See [Gmsh] Removing duplicates

Dear Dokken,

Thank you for your reply, which solved my problem.
I still have a problem.
Actually, I’m solving two problems on the same mesh.
The first problem needs duplicate nodes to work. The results of this first problem are used in the second problem where I need to remove the duplicate nodes for it to work.
I’m trying to solve this equation in the blue and purple domains only (one equation for blue and one for purple).


when I duplicate the nodes, the first problem works and the second doesn’t
when I delete the duplicated nodes, the first problem fails and the second works.
Is it possible to find a compromise?

Sorry for the way I wrote the equation. I don’t know how to insert an equation into the test. please understand.