I am trying to solve a 3D stokes problem using P1-P1 mixed element with a pressure stabilisation. Mumps direct solver is used. Here is the demo of the code:
import os
os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '1'
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import time
import ufl,basix
from dolfinx import fem, io, mesh
from ufl import grad, div, nabla_grad, dx, inner, dot
from dolfinx.fem.petsc import LinearProblem
# build mesh
msh = mesh.create_box(MPI.COMM_WORLD,
[np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([2, 1, 0.3])],
[100, 50, 15], cell_type=mesh.CellType.tetrahedron)
# define element
Pv = basix.ufl.element("CG", msh.basix_cell(), 1, shape=(msh.geometry.dim,))
P1 = basix.ufl.element("CG", msh.basix_cell(), 1)
TH = basix.ufl.mixed_element([Pv, P1])
# create functionspace
W = fem.functionspace(msh, TH)
V = fem.functionspace(msh, Pv)
# define functions
dU = ufl.TrialFunction(W)
U = fem.Function(W)
velocity = fem.Function(V)
f = fem.Function(V)
# set boundary conditions
tdim = msh.topology.dim
fdim = tdim-1
msh.topology.create_connectivity(fdim, tdim)
def LEFT(xx):
return np.isclose(xx[0],0)
def RIGHT(xx):
return np.isclose(xx[0],2)
boundary_surface = mesh.exterior_facet_indices(msh.topology)
left_surface = mesh.locate_entities_boundary(msh, fdim, LEFT)
right_surface = mesh.locate_entities_boundary(msh, fdim, RIGHT)
side = np.concatenate((left_surface,right_surface))
other_surface = np.setdiff1d(boundary_surface,side)
W_v_sub,_ = W.sub(0).collapse()
V_in = fem.Function(W_v_sub)
V_noslip = fem.Function(W_v_sub)
V_in.sub(0).interpolate(lambda x: 1*4*x[1]*(1-x[1])/(1)**2 * 4*x[2]*(0.3-x[2])/(0.3)**2 )
bcu = fem.dirichletbc(V_in, fem.locate_dofs_topological([W.sub(0),W.sub(0).collapse()[0]], fdim, left_surface), W.sub(0))
bcu1 = fem.dirichletbc(V_in, fem.locate_dofs_topological([W.sub(0),W.sub(0).collapse()[0]], fdim, right_surface), W.sub(0))
bcu2 = fem.dirichletbc(V_noslip, fem.locate_dofs_topological([W.sub(0),W.sub(0).collapse()[0]], fdim, other_surface), W.sub(0))
bcs = [bcu,bcu1,bcu2]
# define the linear problem
h = 2*ufl.Circumradius(msh)
v, q = ufl.TestFunctions(W)
u, p = ufl.split(U)
du, dp = ufl.split(dU)
F_a = (
+inner( 2*ufl.sym(nabla_grad(du)), ufl.sym(nabla_grad(v)))*dx
F_L = (
problem_U = LinearProblem(F_a, F_L, bcs=bcs, petsc_options={"ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "lu", "pc_factor_mat_solver_type" : "mumps"})
# solve
Uh = problem_U.solve()
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
print("Time: ",tb-ta)
This code takes about 16s with mpirun -n 24. However, when I calculate the same problem with dolfin it takes only about 8s. Here is the dolfin code:
import os
os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '1'
from dolfin import *
import time
from mpi4py import MPI as mpi
LIP = LagrangeInterpolator
parameters["std_out_all_processes"] = False
# mesh
mesh = BoxMesh(Point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Point(2.0, 1.0, 0.3), 100, 50, 15)
# define element
Pv = VectorElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
P1 = FiniteElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
TH = MixedElement([Pv, P1])
# create function space and function
W = FunctionSpace(mesh,TH)
U = Function(W)
U0 = Function(W)
dU = TrialFunction(W)
# set boudnary condition
def LEFT(x, on_boundary):
tol = 1E-14
return on_boundary and (x[0]==0)
def RIGHT(x, on_boundary):
tol = 1E-14
return on_boundary and (x[0]==2)
def SIDE(x, on_boundary):
tol = 1E-14
return on_boundary and (x[0]>0 + 1e-10) and (x[1]<2 - 1e-10)
exp_in = Expression(('1*4*x[1]*(1-x[1])/1 * 4*x[2]*(0.3-x[2])/0.09', '0.0', '0.0'), degree=2)
f = Expression(('0.0', '0.0', '0.0'), degree=2)
V_in = Function(FunctionSpace(mesh,Pv))
LIP.interpolate(V_in, exp_in)
bcu = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), (0,0,0), SIDE)
bcu_1 = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), V_in, LEFT)
bcu_2 = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), V_in, RIGHT)
bcs = [bcu,bcu_1,bcu_2]
# define linear problem
v, q = TestFunctions(W)
u, p = split(U)
u0, p0 = split(U0)
du, dp = split(dU)
+inner((grad(du)+grad(du).T), (0.5*grad(v)+0.5*grad(v).T))*dx
solve(a == L, U0, bcs)
# solver.solve(problem,U.vector())
info('Timing: Main newton solve {:4.2e} s'.format(time.time() - tic))
I also run these codes on a refined mesh. The time is 80s(dolfinx) vs 40s(dolfin). Still twice as slower.
Further, I tried 2D mesh with millions of points. The result doesn’t differs that much, but dolfinx is still around 10% ~ 15% slower.
I am wondering why could this happen? Is this related to the matrix assemble or the different setup of mumps solver? And what can I do to speed up dolfinx.