Symmetric Boundary Condition Oscillations


I am running an axi-symmetric navier stokes simulation on a straight pipe. I am using the following Boundary Conditions:

V = VectorElement("CG", triangle, 2)
P = FiniteElement("CG", triangle, 1)
M = MixedElement([V,P])
W = FunctionSpace(mesh,M)

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ID_SYMMETRIC_VESSEL                 = 1
ID_EXIT_VESSEL                      = 2
ID_TOP_VESSEL                       = 3
ID_INLET_VESSEL                     = 4

uD_Zero = Constant((0.0,0.0))
p_1     = Constant(0.0)
p_0     = Constant (20.0)

bcp                                 = DirichletBC(W.sub(1), p_0, domainBoundaries, ID_INLET_VESSEL)
bc_top_vess                         = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), uD_Zero, domainBoundaries, ID_TOP_VESSEL)
bc_exit_vess                        = DirichletBC(W.sub(1), p_1, domainBoundaries, ID_EXIT_VESSEL)
bc_inlet_vess                       = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(SPEED), domainBoundaries, ID_INLET_VESSEL)
bc_symmetry_vess                    = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), Constant(0.0), domainBoundaries, ID_SYMMETRIC_VESSEL) #symmetric Boundary at x=0

bcu                                 = [bcp,bc_top_vess,bc_exit_vess, bc_inlet_vess, bc_symmetry_vess]

Unfortunately, as you can see I get these odd oscillations on the symmetric wall. Also, since I am applying a Dirichlet BC at the inlet of 20 cm/s, we should see a uniform flow. Do you have any idea about what I might be able to implement to fix these oscillations on the wall?

**NOTE: The mesh is rotated in the visualization