System of PDEs does not work for specific geometry

After some investigation, I discovered that this seems to be a scaling issue. Because you have a zero initial guess for up, the initial residual vector r_0 (prior to the first Newton iteration of the nonlinear solver) is:

r_0 = b - A x = b

where b is found by assembly of the rhs of your nonlinear form. On the first Newton iteration, it is equal to the integral of the constant volumetric source terms, and thus b (and r_0) are proportional to the volume of your mesh. For meshes of very small volume (such as your whole_model.h5; volume ~ 1.5e-6), the l_2 norm of r_0 is smaller than the default absolute_tolerance of the Newton solver, and so the solver exits without invoking the linear solver. Thus you obtain a 0 solution on every timestep. I illustrate this in the code below using a UnitCubeMesh and systematically decreasing the mesh volume using bmesh.scale(). As you can see, for decreasing scale aaa, the initial residual steadily decreases, until at aaa = 0.01 it becomes less than the default absolute_tolerance = 1e-10, and the Newton solver exits with

Newton solver finished in 0 iterations and 0 linear solver iterations.

To overcome this, you could try setting the absolute tolerance to 0, e.g.

solve(F == 0, up, solver_parameters={"newton_solver":{"absolute_tolerance":0}})

Since the solution (obtained for a UnitSquareMesh) appears to span 20 orders of magnitude between the largest (_u_3) and smallest (_u_5) components (see figure below), this system may be poorly scaled, but I don’t know enough about PDE scaling to offer any suggestions on how to improve it.

from dolfin import *
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA

if Flag_fenics2017:
    rank = MPI.rank(mpi_comm_world())
###Fenics 2018
    rank = MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world)


for aaa in (1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01):
    bmesh = UnitCubeMesh(1,1,1)
    if rank == 0:
        print(f"aaa = {aaa}")

    sci=1  #### rate of ldl influx
    d_ldl=3e-3 ### LDL oxidation
    d_l=2.4e-5   ### LDL diffusing out
    C_ldl_in=9.44e-5 ## Influx of LDL into the leaflets in abscense of flow
    tou_0=1   ### refrence WSS
    k_l=1.2e-18    ### macrophage reaction with ox-LDL
    d_m=1.15e-6    #### monoyte diffrentiation to macrophage
    m_d=2.76e-6     #### monocyte apoptosis rate
    m_r=6.6e-12     ### monocyte penetration rate at zero wss
    C_m1=5.5e11     ## monocyte concentration at the lumen wall
    alpha=5.76e-6   ## = M_r1/M_r2
    M_r1=2.83e-11   ##### ox-LDL leading to foam cell   
    M_r2=9.25e-24   ##### foam cell formatio8
    k_f=1.7e-7      ### foam cell efferocytosis and defradation rate    

    ##### calcification phase constants 
    V=27e-8   ### total aortic valve volume
    lamda=1.28e-4       ##### latent TGF_B degradation rate
    lamda_a=5.78e-3     #### active TGF_B activation rate by macrophage
    a_F=5.2e-15         ### TGF_B activation rate by macrophages
    k_prime=4.3e-6  ####    TGF to calcium
    k_c=4.3e-6      ####   calcification rate
    gamma=0.09          ####  calcification unit conversion
    d_Ca=1              ####   calcification removal rate
    ### constant functions
    def F_l_tou(wss):
        FL_tou=C_ldl_in/ ( 1 + wss/WSS0 )
        return FL_tou

    # sys.exit()

    def F_m(wss):
        return a

    def F_t(Cf):
        return (3.3e-7*Cf*V)/(Cf*V+2.84e4)

    def h(CA):
        # epsil=(0.2*CA+30)/(CA+333.33)
        return 4.435e4*exp(6.404*CA)-4.435e4

    # tot_time=10000000

    element_pde = FiniteElement('CG', bmesh.ufl_cell(),1)
    # V_pde= FunctionSpace(bmesh, 'CG',1)
    V_pde= FunctionSpace(bmesh, MixedElement([element_pde,element_pde,element_pde,element_pde,element_pde,element_pde,element_pde,element_pde]))
    v_0p,v_1p,v_2p,v_3p,v_4p,v_5p,v_6p,v_7p= TestFunctions(V_pde)

    up= Function(V_pde)

    un = Function(V_pde)



    k_p = Constant(time_step)

    calcification_Agatston2 =  up7*( gamma )
    strain = ( 0.2* calcification_Agatston2 + 30 ) /  (calcification_Agatston2 + 333.33)
    wssq = 36 / (181 + calcification_Agatston2 );

    F = ((up0 - un0) / k_p)*v_0p*dx + eps*dot(grad(up0), grad(v_0p))*dx - fl*v_0p*dx+d_ldl*up0*v_0p*dx+d_l*up0*v_0p*dx \
       +((up1 - un1) / k_p)*v_1p*dx + eps*dot(grad(up1), grad(v_1p))*dx - d_ldl*up0*v_1p*dx +k_l*up1*up2*v_1p*dx \
       +((up2 - un2) / k_p)*v_2p*dx + eps*dot(grad(up2), grad(v_2p))*dx - F_m(wssq)*up1*v_2p*dx + d_m*up2*v_2p*dx+m_d*up2*v_2p*dx\
       +((up3 - un3) / k_p)*v_3p*dx + eps*dot(grad(up3), grad(v_3p))*dx - d_m*up2*v_3p*dx + alpha*k_l*up1*up3*v_3p*dx \
       +((up4 - un4) / k_p)*v_4p*dx + eps*dot(grad(up4), grad(v_4p))*dx - alpha*k_l*up1*up3*v_4p*dx \
       +((up5 - un5) / k_p)*v_5p*dx + eps*dot(grad(up5), grad(v_5p))*dx - F_t(C_F)*v_5p*dx+lamda*up5*v_5p*dx+a_F*C_F*up5*v_5p*dx \
       +((up6 - un6) / k_p)*v_6p*dx + eps*dot(grad(up6), grad(v_6p))*dx - a_F*C_F*up5*v_6p*dx +lamda_a*up6*v_6p*dx \
       +((up7 - un7) / k_p)*v_7p*dx + eps*dot(grad(up7), grad(v_7p))*dx - gamma*k_prime*up6*(1+h(strain))*v_7p*dx

    xdmffile_u = XDMFFile('pde_test.xdmf')

    for n in range(num_steps):
        _u_0,_u_1,_u_2,_u_3,_u_4,_u_5,_u_6,_u_7= up.split()

        _u_0.rename('1', 'Label')
        _u_1.rename('2', 'Label')
        _u_2.rename('3', 'Label')
        _u_3.rename('4', 'Label')
        _u_4.rename('5', 'Label')
        _u_5.rename('6', 'Label')
        _u_6.rename('7', 'Label')
        _u_7.rename('8', 'Label')

        if count%5==0:
            xdmffile_u.write(_u_0, t)
            xdmffile_u.write(_u_1, t)
            xdmffile_u.write(_u_2, t)
            xdmffile_u.write(_u_3, t)
            xdmffile_u.write(_u_4, t)
            xdmffile_u.write(_u_5, t)
            xdmffile_u.write(_u_6, t)
            xdmffile_u.write(_u_7, t)
        if rank ==0:


        t += 1