Time series data in pyvista - XdmfReader

This suggests to me that it is entirely a pyvista problem. I just installed pyvista 0.42.3. When I run the following with python

import pyvista as pv

def plot_sol(func, min, max):
    """ Analyse 2d solution over time """
    cmap = "plasma"
    def load_time(value):
        """ Load solution at value specified using the slider """
        grid = reader.read()[1]
        p.add_mesh(grid, cmap=cmap, clim=[min, max], scalar_bar_args=sargs)

    # Load in data
    xdmf_file = "phi.xdmf"
    reader = pv.get_reader(xdmf_file)
    grid = reader.read()[1]
    # Create plot
    width = 0.6
    sargs = dict(width=width, height=0.1, position_x=(1-width)/2, position_y=0.01)
    p = pv.Plotter()
    p.add_mesh(grid, cmap=cmap, clim=[min, max], scalar_bar_args=sargs)
    p.show_bounds(xtitle="", ytitle="", ztitle="")
    p.add_slider_widget(load_time, [0.0, 1.0], value=0.0, title="Time",
                        interaction_event="always", pointa=(0.25, 0.93), 
                        pointb=(0.75, 0.93))

plot_sol("phi", 0.0, 1.1)

it all works fine with no errors. Is this the case with you, as well?