Access function in time dependent XDMFFile

Hi all,

I’d like to access time dependent functions from an XDFM File as in:

from fenics import *

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(20,20)
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
F = Function(Q)
filename = "u.xdmf"
ufile = XDMFFile(filename)

F.rename("F", "label")
ufile.write(F, 0)
ufile.write(F, 1)

F0 = Function(Q)
# Something like :
# F0 ="F", 0) 

Would you know anything that could replace the last line above ?
Thank you all for your help!


You can use the ‘write_checkpoint’ and ‘read_checkpoint’ function, see:

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Hi, I deeply apologise for the very late answer I’ve been swamped for the last few months.
I tried to use the function read_checkpoint but for some reason it doesn’t work.

from fenics import *

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(2, 2)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)
ini_u = Expression("0", degree=2)
u = interpolate(ini_u, V)

u.rename("u", "label")
ufile = XDMFFile("u.xdmf")
ufile.write_checkpoint(u, "u_out", 0)

u1 = Function(V)
with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), "u.xdmf") as file:
    file.read_checkpoint(u1, "u", 0)

It raises this error:

XDMF file "u.xdmf" will be overwritten.
HDF file "u.h5" will be overwritten.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 17, in <module>
    file.read_checkpoint(u1, "u", 0)

*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** DOLFIN encountered an error. If you are not able to resolve this issue
*** using the information listed below, you can ask for help at
*** Remember to include the error message listed below and, if possible,
*** include a *minimal* running example to reproduce the error.
*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** Error:   Unable to reading data from XDMF file.
*** Reason:  Storage format "" is unknown.
*** Where:   This error was encountered inside XDMFFile.cpp.
*** Process: 0
*** DOLFIN version: 2018.1.0
*** Git changeset:  948dc42cc4e06ed9227d0201ad50f94ac94cbf9f
*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Does it have something to do with the h5 format ?

Thanks for your help,


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No, this is because you call

file.read_checkpoint(u1, "u", 0)

You have saved the data with the label u_out, so it should be

file.read_checkpoint(u1, "u_out", 0)

Sorry that was silly of me. Thanks !

It works now, but apparently I can’t write several times as the file is “still open”. Is there a particular argument that need to be passed to the function ?

Thanks anyway for your help !

from fenics import *

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(2, 2)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)
ini_u = Expression("0", degree=2)
u = interpolate(ini_u, V)

with XDMFFile("u.xdmf") as file:
    file.write_checkpoint(u, "u_out", 0)

u1 = Function(V)
with XDMFFile("u.xdmf") as file:
    file.read_checkpoint(u1, "u_out", 0)

with XDMFFile("u.xdmf") as file:    
    file.write_checkpoint(u1, "u_out", 1)
    file.write_checkpoint(u1, "u_out", 2)

Using the other signature of write_checkpoint, with arguments encoding and append:

with XDMFFile("u.xdmf") as file:
    file.write_checkpoint(u, "u_out", 0, XDMFFile.Encoding.HDF5, False)

u1 = Function(V)
with XDMFFile("u.xdmf") as file:
    file.read_checkpoint(u1, "u_out", 0)

with XDMFFile("u.xdmf") as file:    
    file.write_checkpoint(u1, "u_out", 1, XDMFFile.Encoding.HDF5, True)
    file.write_checkpoint(u1, "u_out", 2, XDMFFile.Encoding.HDF5, True)
1 Like

I see thanks I struggle finding docs on these functions.
This does the trick cheers!

Any differences between the function write and write_checkpoint in the file itself ?

Hi how do we do this if u is a vector? For example:

solve(F == 0, u, bcs)
velocity, pressure = u.split()

with XDMFFile("Velocity_A.xdmf") as file:
    file.write_checkpoint(velocity, "V_A", 0, XDMFFile.Encoding.HDF5, False)
vtkfile_u_a << velocity

Here velocity is vector and I’m using a mixed elements defined as:

P1 = VectorElement('P', mesh.ufl_cell(), 2) #Velocity is a vector 
P2 = FiniteElement('P', mesh.ufl_cell(), 1) #Pressure p is a scalar
element = MixedElement([P1,P2])
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)

I then read the file as follows:

W = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 2) #VectorSpace for velocity fields
velocity_b = Function(W)
with XDMFFile("Velocity_A.xdmf") as file:
    file.read_checkpoint(velocity_b, "V_A", 0)
vtkfile_w << velocity_b

When I compare the results between the vtkfile_w and vtkfile_u_a, the results are very different. I believe the error has to do with velocity being a vector? In that case how do I write and read the velocity solution? Thanks

VTK will only save the nodal values at the vertices (equivalent of interpolating the solution to a CG1 space) you can verify thisby looking at the point values in paraview . Xdmf with checkpointing actually saved the CG 2 function.

Sorry I don’t quite follow, should’t writing velocity as an xdmf file and reading the file to place it into another variable produce the same vtkfile? Essentially, velocity should equal velocity_b.
I intend to use the velocity field from the first solution as a variable in a subsequent problem to be solved.
Essentially what I need to do is:

    if count == 0:
        with XDMFFile(output_folder_name+output_vtk_folder+"Velocity_angioplasty.xdmf") as file:
            file.write_checkpoint(velocity, "V_Angioplasty", 0, XDMFFile.Encoding.HDF5, False)
        vtkfile_u_angio << velocity
        vtkfile_p_angio << pressure
        velocity_angio = velocity
    elif count == 1:
        with XDMFFile(output_folder_name+output_vtk_folder+"Velocity_post_angioplasty.xdmf") as file:
            file.write_checkpoint(velocity, "V_Post_Angioplasty", 0, XDMFFile.Encoding.HDF5, False)
        vtkfile_u_post_angio << velocity
        vtkfile_p_post_angio << pressure
        velocity_post_angio = velocity

Unfortunately, velocity_angio seems to get updated to the same value as velocity_post_angio when it goes through the for loop. I think the assignment is to a memory location of velocity. How do I go about doing this? Thanks

Could you post a minimal example (full code, that produces your issue)?

It does not throw any error messages. This is the main block:

for count in range (2): 
    #Define Boundary Conditions
    p_out = 5000
    if count == 0:
        p_inn = 100
    elif count == 1:
        p_in = 1000

    boundary_conditions = {
        1 : {"Dirichlet" : p_in},
        2 : {"Dirichlet" : p_out}

    bcs = []
    for i in boundary_conditions:
        if "Dirichlet" in boundary_conditions[i]:
            #Here V.sub(1) refers to pressure while 0 refers to velocity
            bc = DirichletBC(V.sub(1), boundary_conditions[i]["Dirichlet"], boundaries, i) #arguments: Function Space, value, subdomain marker, sudomain id

    #Define variational form
    F = dot(u1,v1)*dx + dot(v2,div(u1))*dx

    solve(F == 0, u, bcs)

    if count == 0:
        vtkfile_u_angio << velocity
        vtkfile_p_angio << pressure
        velocity_angio = velocity # How do I do this?
    elif count == 1:
        vtkfile_u_post_angio << velocity
        vtkfile_p_post_angio << pressure
        velocity_post_angio = velocity # How do I do this?

The problem is after the for loop velocity_angio = velocity_post_angio
which should not be the case

Since this is a mixed space, I would use FunctionAssigner to assign the the velocity to the variable, see:

Thanks! That worked perfectly :slight_smile: