Hi! I am relatively new to using FEniCSx. I was working on a mesh file and needed to assign fiber orientation to it. I have stored information of fiber orientation in a (.h5) file. Opening that file using h5py
it has information to three orthonormal vectors (f_0, n_0, s_0) and each vector contain a function and in that function data is stored which is “[‘cell_dofs’, ‘cells’, ‘vector_0’, ‘x_cell_dofs’]”. I need the information of the three orthonormal vectors i.e. (f_0, n_0, s_0) how they are oriented in my function space defined on mesh. In the Legacy version of FEniCS this could have been done using the following commands:
with HDF5File(mpi_comm_world(), h5name, “r”) as h5file: # XDMFFile
h5file.read(f_0, group1)
The “read” command from “HDF5File” transfer the information stored as vector “group1” in file named “h5name” to the our vector “f_0” which is defined on functionspace of my mesh. I want to ask how can I accomplish this task in FEniCSx since I don’t have the “HDF5File” in the newer version. I’ll be grateful if someone can help me on this as soon as possible.