I am a bit confused. Imagine I would like to create a polygonal triangulation of the sphere looking something like the image below:
The mesher in fenics seems to create some sort of Delauney triangulation, which is not really what I want. Is there a detailed description somewhere about how “generate_mesh” works?
mshr is the mesh generation component of FEniCS. It generates simplicial DOLFIN meshes in 2D and 3D from geometries described by Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) or from surface files, utilizing CGAL and Tetgen as mesh generation backends.
Therefore, I suggest looking into these two backends for details.
That’s a very good question I don’t have an answer for. I would suggest using other software, such as the gmsh->pygmsh->meshio pipeline. You can also consider creating an issue on mshr’s bitbucket page: https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project/mshr/issues
as its more likely that the developers read whats happening there.