Trying to solve a homogeneous Poisson equation with point sources


I am trying to solve a homogeneous (insulated) Poisson equation similar to the example on scifem . In my example the both the g and h functions are identically zero and the function f is a sum of two Dirac delta functions.

I am trying to model my solution approach on the scifem example

However, I cannot merge the two approaches together. I must be missing some subtle point.

From the example I have the variational problem

a00 = ufl.inner(ufl.grad(u), ufl.grad(du)) * ufl.dx
a01 = ufl.inner(lmbda, du) * ufl.dx
a10 = ufl.inner(u, dl) * ufl.dx
L0 = ufl.inner(f, du) * ufl.dx
L1 = ufl.inner(zero, dl) * ufl.dx
a = dolfinx.fem.form([[a00, a01], [a10, None]])
L = dolfinx.fem.form([L0, L1])

Next, following the example, I created the source and sink points as follows:

# We are now ready to apply the point source.
# First, we create the right hand side vector for the problem, and initialize it as zero.

bp = dolfinx.fem.Function(V)
bp.x.array[:] = 0

# Secondly we define the point sources we want to apply.
# ```{warning}
# Note that if running in parallel, we only supply the points on a single process.
# The other process gets an empty array.
# ```

geom_dtype = mesh.geometry.x.dtype

# firstly the source point

if mesh.comm.rank == 0:
    points = np.array([[0.475, 0.5, 0]], dtype=geom_dtype)
    points = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=geom_dtype)

# Next, we create the point source object and apply it to the right hand side vector.

gamma = 1.
point_source = scifem.PointSource(V, points, magnitude=gamma)

# now the sink point

if mesh.comm.rank == 0:
    points = np.array([[0.525, 0.5, 0]], dtype=geom_dtype)
    points = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=geom_dtype)

gamma = -1.
point_source = scifem.PointSource(V, points, magnitude=gamma)

My problem is that I can’t work out how to incorporate the information in bp into the form L.

I did manage to work out that I could use this definition of bp as f in the expression for L0 above and everything works fine. However, I didn’t think that this was the way the point_source function was supposed to work.

I would be grateful if someone could provide me with some insights as to the points I am missing or correct the mistakes that I have made.

BTW, I am using fenicsx 0.9.0 and scifem 0.3.0.

Thank you very much for taking the time read this long message. Any insights would be much appreciated.


You can spot this in the original real space demo, where one does scatter_local_vectors. By using this command, you can insert bp into the assembled RHS.
Here is a minimal reproducible (working) example:

from packaging.version import Version
from mpi4py import MPI
from petsc4py import PETSc
from import scatter_local_vectors, get_local_vectors
import dolfinx.fem.petsc

import numpy as np
from scifem import create_real_functionspace, assemble_scalar
import ufl

M = 40
mesh = dolfinx.mesh.create_unit_square(
    MPI.COMM_WORLD, M, M, dolfinx.mesh.CellType.triangle, dtype=np.float64
V = dolfinx.fem.functionspace(mesh, ("Lagrange", 1))

def u_exact(x):
    return 0.3 * x[1] ** 2 + ufl.sin(2 * ufl.pi * x[0])

x = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
n = ufl.FacetNormal(mesh)
g = dolfinx.fem.Constant(mesh, 0.0)
f = dolfinx.fem.Constant(mesh, 0.0)
h = assemble_scalar(u_exact(x) * ufl.dx)

# We then create the Lagrange multiplier space

R = create_real_functionspace(mesh)

# Next, we can create a mixed-function space for our problem

if dolfinx.__version__ == "0.8.0":
    u = ufl.TrialFunction(V)
    lmbda = ufl.TrialFunction(R)
    du = ufl.TestFunction(V)
    dl = ufl.TestFunction(R)
elif Version(dolfinx.__version__) >= Version(""):
    W = ufl.MixedFunctionSpace(V, R)
    u, lmbda = ufl.TrialFunctions(W)
    du, dl = ufl.TestFunctions(W)
    raise RuntimeError("Unsupported version of dolfinx")

# We can now define the variational problem

zero = dolfinx.fem.Constant(mesh, dolfinx.default_scalar_type(0.0))

a00 = ufl.inner(ufl.grad(u), ufl.grad(du)) * ufl.dx
a01 = ufl.inner(lmbda, du) * ufl.dx
a10 = ufl.inner(u, dl) * ufl.dx
L0 = ufl.inner(f, du) * ufl.dx + ufl.inner(g, du) * ufl.ds
L1 = ufl.inner(zero, dl) * ufl.dx

a = dolfinx.fem.form([[a00, a01], [a10, None]])
L = dolfinx.fem.form([L0, L1])

# Note that we have defined the variational form in a block form, and
# that we have not included $h$ in the variational form. We will enforce this
# once we have assembled the right hand side vector.

# We can now assemble the matrix and vector

A = dolfinx.fem.petsc.assemble_matrix_block(a)
b = dolfinx.fem.petsc.assemble_vector_block(L, a, bcs=[])

# Next, we modify the second part of the block to contain `h`
# We start by enforcing the multiplier constraint $h$ by modifying the right hand side vector

if dolfinx.__version__ == "0.8.0":
    maps = [
        (V.dofmap.index_map, V.dofmap.index_map_bs),
        (R.dofmap.index_map, R.dofmap.index_map_bs),
elif Version(dolfinx.__version__) >= Version(""):
    maps = [(Wi.dofmap.index_map, Wi.dofmap.index_map_bs) for Wi in W.ufl_sub_spaces()]

b_local = get_local_vectors(b, maps)
b_local[1][:] = 0

# Next, we create the point source object and apply it to the right hand side vector.

import scifem

b_poisson = dolfinx.fem.Function(V)

geom_dtype = mesh.geometry.x.dtype
if mesh.comm.rank == 0:
    points = np.array([[0.68, 0.362, 0]], dtype=geom_dtype)
    points = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=geom_dtype)
point_source = scifem.PointSource(V, points, magnitude=1)

if mesh.comm.rank == 0:
    points = np.array([[0.14, 0.213, 0]], dtype=geom_dtype)
    points = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=geom_dtype)
point_source = scifem.PointSource(V, points, magnitude=-1)

b_local[0][:] = b_poisson.x.array
b.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
b.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD)

# We can now solve the linear system

ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(mesh.comm)
pc = ksp.getPC()

xh = dolfinx.fem.petsc.create_vector_block(L)
ksp.solve(b, xh)
xh.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD)

# Finally, we extract the solution u from the blocked system and compute the error

uh = dolfinx.fem.Function(V, name="u")
x_local = get_local_vectors(xh, maps)
uh.x.array[: len(x_local[0])] = x_local[0]

with, "uh.bp", [uh]) as bp:

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Thank you so much for that. I am not sure that I would have worked this out for myself but I think I understand thing better now.