Two independent equation with related boundary condition

Hello everyone and thank you in advance for your help.

I have a problem to solve but I don’t know how to solve it.
I have two independent equations. However, these two equations are related to each other by a boundary condition.

\Delta \overrightarrow{x} + c\overrightarrow{x} = f
\Delta \overrightarrow{y} + d\overrightarrow{y} = g
\widehat{n} \times (\widehat{n} \times x) = Z_m (\widehat{n} \times y)

\widehat{n} is the normal vector to the surface and Z_m is a constant.

Can you tell me how I can deploy it in FEniCS?
I know how to write variational formulation for each of them but I don’t know how to include BC.


You should be able to typeset equations in LaTeX by enclosing them in dollar signs, but not backticks. For example, if I enter

\Delta x + cx = f

without backticks around it, I get

\Delta x + cx = f

It does seem that putting the double dollar signs $$ on separate lines (as shown above) is necessary to get the display-style equation, though. (Single dollar signs work for inline equations, though, e.g., $x$ typesets as x.)

In any case, the interpretations of n, Z, and \times in the boundary condition are unclear. (For instance, if n is the normal vector and \times is the cross product, then n\times n would be zero.)

Thanks, I edited the post, now it is human readable.