Unabel to create subdomain from orginal using MeshView

Dear Sir

I need to extract a subdomain(interior=1) from a domain that contains 4 subdomains. But I am facing the following problem.
NameError: name ‘MeshView’ is not defined

    print("number of cells in thermal cells:",thermal_mesh.num_cells())
    print("number of nodes in thermal cells:",thermal_mesh.num_vertices())
    W1=FunctionSpace(thermal_mesh, "CG", 1)

As it says MeshView is not defined, what version of dolfin are you running?

I am presently using dolfin 2019.1.0. And I know meshview is working fine dolfin 2019.2.0 version. my question is what is the alternative for MeshView in dolfin 2019.1.0.

many Thanks in advance