Hey All,
Just wondering if anyone could point me to an example of using tensors to update the material coordinates within each cell?
For example here is a MWE of simple contraction over a unit square with Mooney Rivlin full Incompressibility:
# +==+==+==+
# Setup
# += Imports
from dolfinx import mesh, fem, io, default_scalar_type
from dolfinx.fem.petsc import NonlinearProblem
from dolfinx.nls.petsc import NewtonSolver
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import basix
import ufl
# += Parameters
X, Y = 0, 1
X_ELS = 5
Y_ELS = 5
LAMBDA = 0.05 # 5% Contraction
FACET_TAGS = {"x0": 1, "x1": 2, "y0": 3, "y1": 4, "area": 5}
# +==+==+==+
# main()
# Inputs:
# (0): test_name | str
# (1): elem_order | int | Order of elements to generate
# Outputs:
# (0): .bp folder of contracted unit square
def main(test_name, elem_order):
# +==+==+
# Setup problem space
# (0): Mesh, unit square
# (1): Element definition
# (2): Pressure space definition
# (2): Mixed function space for interpolation
# (3): Function for solving within space | displacement and hydrostatic pressure
domain = mesh.create_unit_square(comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, nx=X_ELS, ny=Y_ELS)
Ve = ufl.VectorElement(family="CG", cell=domain.ufl_cell(), degree=elem_order)
Vp = ufl.FiniteElement("CG", domain.ufl_cell(), degree=elem_order-1)
W = fem.FunctionSpace(domain, ufl.MixedElement([Ve, Vp]))
w = fem.Function(W)
# +==+==+
# Extract subdomains for dofs
# (0): Element domain for displacement
# (1): Subdomains of element for each component
V, _ = W.sub(0).collapse()
Vx, _ = V.sub(X).collapse()
Vy, _ = V.sub(Y).collapse()
# +==+==+
# Facet assignment
fdim = MESH_DIM - 1
# += Locate Facets
# (0): Over boundary, set boolean on if marker is at location
x0_facets = mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh=domain, dim=fdim, marker=lambda x: np.isclose(x[0], 0))
x1_facets = mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh=domain, dim=fdim, marker=lambda x: np.isclose(x[0], 1))
y0_facets = mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh=domain, dim=fdim, marker=lambda x: np.isclose(x[1], 0))
y1_facets = mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh=domain, dim=fdim, marker=lambda x: np.isclose(x[1], 1))
# += Collate facets into stack
mfacets = np.hstack([x0_facets, x1_facets, y0_facets, y1_facets])
# += Assign boundaries IDs in stack
mvalues = np.hstack([
np.full_like(x0_facets, FACET_TAGS["x0"]),
np.full_like(x1_facets, FACET_TAGS["x1"]),
np.full_like(y0_facets, FACET_TAGS["y0"]),
np.full_like(y1_facets, FACET_TAGS["y1"])
# += Sort and assign all tags
sfacets = np.argsort(mfacets)
ft = mesh.meshtags(mesh=domain, dim=fdim, entities=mfacets[sfacets], values=mvalues[sfacets])
# +==+==+
# BC: Base [x0]
# += Locate subdomain dofs
x0_dofs_x = fem.locate_dofs_topological((W.sub(0).sub(X), Vx), ft.dim, x0_facets)
x0_dofs_y = fem.locate_dofs_topological((W.sub(0).sub(Y), Vy), ft.dim, x0_facets)
# += Interpolate
u0_bc_x = fem.Function(Vx)
u0_bc_x.interpolate(lambda x: np.full(x.shape[1], default_scalar_type(LAMBDA)))
u0_bc_y = fem.Function(Vy)
u0_bc_y.interpolate(lambda x: np.full(x.shape[1], default_scalar_type(0.0)))
# += Create Dirichlet over subdomains
bc_z0_x = fem.dirichletbc(u0_bc_x, x0_dofs_x, W.sub(0).sub(X))
bc_z0_y = fem.dirichletbc(u0_bc_y, x0_dofs_y, W.sub(0).sub(Y))
# +==+==+
# BC: Base [x1]
# += Locate subdomain dofs
x1_dofs_x = fem.locate_dofs_topological((W.sub(0).sub(X), Vx), ft.dim, x1_facets)
x1_dofs_y = fem.locate_dofs_topological((W.sub(0).sub(Y), Vy), ft.dim, x1_facets)
# += Interpolate
u1_bc_x = fem.Function(Vx)
u1_bc_x.interpolate(lambda x: np.full(x.shape[1], default_scalar_type(-LAMBDA)))
u1_bc_y = fem.Function(Vy)
u1_bc_y.interpolate(lambda x: np.full(x.shape[1], default_scalar_type(0.0)))
# += Create Dirichlet over subdomains
bc_z1_x = fem.dirichletbc(u1_bc_x, x1_dofs_x, W.sub(0).sub(X))
bc_z1_y = fem.dirichletbc(u1_bc_y, x1_dofs_y, W.sub(0).sub(Y))
# +==+ BC Concatenate
bc = [bc_z0_x, bc_z0_y, bc_z1_x, bc_z1_y]
# +==+==+
# Variational Problem Setup
# += Test and Trial Parameters
u, p = ufl.split(w)
v, q = ufl.TestFunctions(W)
# += Tensors
# (0): Identity Matrix
# (1): Deformation Gradient Tensor
# (2): Right Cauchy-Green Tensor
# (0): Invariants, Ic, IIc, J
I = ufl.variable(ufl.Identity(MESH_DIM))
F = ufl.variable(I + ufl.grad(u))
C = ufl.variable(F.T * F)
Ic = ufl.variable(ufl.tr(C))
IIc = ufl.variable((Ic**2 - ufl.inner(C,C))/2)
J = ufl.variable(ufl.det(F))
# += Material Setup | Mooney-Rivlin
# (0): Constants
# (1): Strain Density Function
# (2): Chain Rule Differentiation Terms
# (3): First Piola-Kirchoff Stress
c1 = 2
c2 = 6
psi = c1 * (Ic - 3) + c2 *(IIc - 3)
term1 = ufl.diff(psi, Ic) + Ic * ufl.diff(psi, IIc)
term2 = -ufl.diff(psi, IIc)
fPK = 2 * F * (term1*I + term2*C) + p * J * ufl.inv(F).T
# +==+==+
# Problem Solver
# += Residual Equation Integral
# (0): Quadrature order
# (1): Integration domains
# (2): Residual equation
metadata = {"quadrature_degree": 4}
ds = ufl.Measure('ds', domain=domain, subdomain_data=ft, metadata=metadata)
dx = ufl.Measure("dx", domain=domain, metadata=metadata)
R = ufl.inner(ufl.grad(v), fPK) * dx + q * (J - 1) * dx
# += Nonlinear Solver
# (0): Definition
# (1): Newton Iterator
# (0): Tolerances
# (1): Convergence
problem = NonlinearProblem(R, w, bc)
solver = NewtonSolver(domain.comm, problem)
solver.atol = 1e-8
solver.rtol = 1e-8
solver.convergence_criterion = "incremental"
# +==+==+
# Solution and Output
# += Solve
# (0): Iteration and convergence
# (1): Return data
num_its, converged = solver.solve(w)
if converged:
print(f"Converged in {num_its} iterations.")
print(f"Not converged after {num_its} iterations.")
u_sol, p_sol = w.split()
# += Export
with io.VTXWriter(MPI.COMM_WORLD, test_name + ".bp", w.sub(0).collapse(), engine="BP4") as vtx:
# +==+==+
# Main check for script operation.
# runs main()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# +==+ Test Parameters
# += Test name
test_name = "simple_contraction"
# += Element order
elem_order = 2
# += Feed Main()
main(test_name, elem_order)
I would like to edit the material field within each of the triangle elements to be aligned with a unique coordinate system for example a fibre orientated from (0, 0) to (XMAX, YMAX) diagonally.
Thank you