Using the fenics project with spyder

I have Anaconda Navigator, and was trying to use the known Poisson demo with the preloaded Spyder IDE, but it wasn’t catching the newly installed FEniCS within the program. Essentially, it was a warning on the lines where FEniCS syntax is used (yellow triangle said ‘undefined names’).

I tried what @Yannik said since it seemed to jive with the idea that I needed Spyder to activate the FEniCS environment… First I closed out Spyder and Anaconda Navigator and opened a fresh Terminal.
in Terminal, I typed:

conda create --name fenicsproject -c conda-forge fenics=2019 spyder
conda activate fenicsproject

I have a conda environment existing at home/user/anaconda3/envs/fenicsproject
The Terminal showed a change from (base) user@system:~ to (fenicsproject) user@system:~
However, when I typed the last line, it said that

Command 'spyder' not found but can be installed with: 
sudo apt install spyder

So I reinstalled Spyder, and it warned me that it was Spyder 3.0 (now on 5.0), and the code still is giving me the warning.

I just need the program to load the FEniCS module, so I am unsure what is going wrong. Any ideas as to how I can activate the environment so that now and the next time I open Spyder it will recognize FEniCS syntax on this system?