Weird curvature in the solution

I’m sorry for this very specific problem but any help is appreciated.
I’m solving the time-harmonic heat equation

\begin{cases} \kappa_\mathrm{e}\Delta T + i\omega\rho_\mathrm{e}c_\mathrm{e} T = 0 & \text{in } \mathcal{R}\setminus\overline{\mathcal{D}} \\ \kappa_\mathrm{i}\Delta T + i\omega\rho_\mathrm{i}c_\mathrm{i} T = 0 & \text{in }\mathcal{D} \\ T^+ = T^- & \text{on }\partial\mathcal{D}\\ -\kappa_\mathrm{e}\nabla T^+\cdot\mathbf{n} = -\kappa_\mathrm{i}\nabla T^-\cdot\mathbf{n} & \text{on }\partial\mathcal{D}\\ -\kappa_\mathrm{e}\nabla T\cdot\mathbf{n} = 0 & \text{on }\Gamma_\mathrm{sides}\\ -\kappa_\mathrm{e}\nabla T\cdot\mathbf{n} = h_\mathrm{eff}T- Q_\mathrm{lamp} & \text{on }\Gamma_\mathrm{front}\\ -\kappa_\mathrm{e}\nabla T\cdot\mathbf{n} = h_\mathrm{eff}T & \text{on }\Gamma_\mathrm{back}\\ \end{cases}

in a plate


(L_x=0.01, L_y=1) which is irradiated on one of its sides:

\Gamma_{\mathrm{front}}=\left\{ (0,y)\,\vert\; 0 < y < L_y \right\}

The function \mathcal{Q}_\mathrm{lamp} is:

\mathcal{Q}_\mathrm{lamp} =\alpha\frac{ I}{2\pi}\frac{\mathbf{x}\cdot\mathbf{i}}{\left(\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_l\right)\cdot\left(\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_l\right)}

being \mathbf{x}_l the location from where the plate is being irradiated:

For solving that problem I made the following code (which takes the mesh which was generate by gmsh):

def Thermogram(mesh_and_tags, x_l, y_l, w, I=1000 ):
    '''Thermogram(mesh_and_tags, x_l, y_l, w ) -> T
    mesh_and_tags = (mesh, cell_tags, facet_tags)
    being the tags:
        1 : plate
        2 : front
        3 : back
        4 : sides
        5 : defect
    mesh, cell_tags, facet_tags = mesh_and_tags
    ds = Measure("ds", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=facet_tags)

    tags = { "plate" : 1,
            "front": 2,
            "back" : 3,
            "sides" : 4,
            "defect" : 5}

    # Physical parameters:
    alpha = 0.3
    h = 15
    To = 298
    h_eff = h + alpha*sigma*4*To**3

    k_e = 200 # 
    k_i = 0.025 # 

    c_e = 900
    c_i = 1000 

    rho_e = 2700
    rho_i = 1

    C0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, ("DG", 0))
    kappa = Function(C0)
    iwrhoc = Function(C0)

    kappa.x.array[ cell_tags.find(tags["plate"])] = np.full_like(cell_tags.find(tags["plate"]), k_e, dtype=ScalarType)
    kappa.x.array[ cell_tags.find(tags["defect"])] = np.full_like(cell_tags.find(tags["defect"]), k_i, dtype=ScalarType)

    iwrhoc.x.array[ cell_tags.find(tags["plate"])] = np.full_like(cell_tags.find(tags["plate"]), 1j*w*rho_e*c_e, dtype=ScalarType)
    iwrhoc.x.array[ cell_tags.find(tags["defect"])] = np.full_like(cell_tags.find(tags["defect"]), 1j*w*rho_i*c_i, dtype=ScalarType)

    H = FunctionSpace(mesh,('Lagrange',1))

    phi = TrialFunction(H)
    psi = TestFunction(H)
    T = Function(H) = 'T'
    Q = Function(H) = 'Q'

    Q.interpolate( lambda x : alpha*I/(2*np.pi)*( x[0] - x_l )/ ( (x[0]-x_l)**2 + (x[1] - y_l)**2 ))  

    # variational formulation
    a = kappa*inner(grad(phi), grad(psi))*dx + iwrhoc*inner(phi, psi)*dx + h_eff*inner(phi,psi)*ds(tags["front"]) + h_eff*inner(phi,psi)*ds(tags["back"])
    l = h_eff*inner(Q,psi)*ds(tags["front"])

    problem = LinearProblem(a, l)
    T = problem.solve()

    return T, H

My problem is that, when testing (for example with a lamp at (x,y) = (-0.2,0.2)) I get funny behaviour .

For example, at x=0 I get:
Captura desde 2023-02-20 06-35-19

The spike is expected due to the change in the thermal properties in \mathcal{D}, however at the left, it looks as if the second derivative wasn’t monotonic. Indeed, it doesn’t seem to be fulfilling the homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions con \Gamma_{\mathrm{sides}}

If you need the code for the mesh generation I can add it too.

EDIT: I add the code for generating the mesh:

from numpy import pi
import pygmsh

def make_real_domain( xy_defect, r, Lx = 0.01, Ly = 1, Nx = 5, Nd = 30):
    make_real_domain( xy_defect, r, Lx = 0.01, Ly = 1, Nx = 5, Nd = 30)
    xy_defect are given as the fraction with respect to Lx and Ly
    r is given as a fraction of Lx
    mesh, cell_tags, facet_tags
    being the tags:
        1 : plate
        2 : front
        3 : back
        4 : sides
        5 : defect

    res_plate = Lx / Nx
    # defect parameters
    x_d  , y_d = xy_defect
    x_d = x_d*Lx
    y_d = y_d*Ly
    r = r*Lx
    res_circ = 2*pi*r / Nd

    # Initialize empty geometry using the build in kernel in GMSH
    geometry = pygmsh.geo.Geometry()
    # Fetch model we would like to add data to
    model = geometry.__enter__()
    # Add defect
    defect = model.add_circle( (x_d, y_d), r, mesh_size=res_circ)

    # Add corners of the plate
    points = [model.add_point(( 0, 0, 0), mesh_size=res_plate),
              model.add_point((Lx, 0, 0), mesh_size=res_plate),
              model.add_point((Lx, Ly, 0), mesh_size=res_plate),
              model.add_point(( 0, Ly, 0), mesh_size=res_plate)]

    # Add lines between all points creating the rectangle
    plate_boundaries = [model.add_line(points[i], points[i+1])
                              for i in range(-1, len(points)-1)]

    # Create a line loop and plane surface for meshing
    plate_boundary = model.add_curve_loop(plate_boundaries)

    plate_surface = model.add_plane_surface(plate_boundary, holes=[defect.curve_loop])
    def_surface = model.add_plane_surface(defect.curve_loop)

    # Call gmsh kernel before add physical entities

    # not sure if needed
    model.add_physical([plate_surface], "Plate")
    model.add_physical([plate_boundaries[0]], "Front")
    model.add_physical([plate_boundaries[2]], "Back")
    model.add_physical([plate_boundaries[1], plate_boundaries[3]], "Sides")
    model.add_physical([def_surface], "Defect")

    dim = 2


    filename = 'temp.msh'

    import gmsh

    from import gmshio
    from mpi4py import MPI

    gmsh.model.add("Mesh from file")
    mesh, cell_tags, facet_tags = gmshio.model_to_mesh(gmsh.model, MPI.COMM_WORLD, 0, gdim=dim)

    return ( mesh, cell_tags, facet_tags)