What is the recommended way to implement the symmetric fourth rank tensor of elasticity?

Let’s say, we want to solve a problem in linear elasticity with an anisotropic material:
\nabla\cdot S = 0\qquad +\text{bcs.}
Here, S denotes the stress, with S^{ij} = C^{ijkl}\varepsilon_{kl}, \varepsilon is the linearized Green-Lagrange strain \varepsilon(u) = \frac 1 2 \left(\nabla u + \nabla u^T\right) =: \operatorname{sym}\left(\nabla u\right), u is the displacement and C is the tensor of elasticity with rank four.
This tensor exhibits several symmetries: C^{ijkl} = C^{jikl} = C^{ijlk} = C^{klij}.
Additionally, it is constant.

The (symmetric) bilinear form then becomes
a(u, v) = \int_\Omega \left(C\varepsilon(u)\right):\varepsilon(v)\,\mathrm d\Omega.

The question is now, how to properly implement the tensor of elasticity.
The nicest thing would be, to be able to write the following:

a = inner(dot(C, sym(nabla_grad(u))), sym(nabla_grad(v)))

Additionally, it would be nice, if FEniCS was able to determine, that this expression is symmetric.

I found some old answer here: https://fenicsproject.org/qa/10309/small-question-on-defining-constant-tensors/
The solution there is to implement a subclass of ufl.Coefficient and cpp.Constant and make it a symmetric TensorElement.
However, I found this old bug, that symmetry=True is totally broken for TensorElement: https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project/ffc/issues/78/tensorelement-symmetry-true-is-totally
The bug is quite old, but the discussion itself took more than two years and I cannot find, whether it is now fixed or not.

An alternative would be to use Voigt-Notation, as outlined in this tutorial here:

In a two dimensional setting, exploiting all the symmetries, the equation C\varepsilon(u) can be written as a matrix vector product:
\begin{bmatrix}S^{1}\\S^{2}\\S^{3}\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}C^{11}&C^{12}&2C^{13}\\C^{21}&C^{22}&2C^{23}\\C^{31}&C^{32}&2C^{33}\end{bmatrix}\cdot\begin{bmatrix}u_{1}\\u_{2}\\u_{3}\end{bmatrix}
The indices 1, 2 and 3 correspond to xx, yy and xy respectively.
For three dimensions this becomes a 6\times 6 system.
A corresponding FEniCS implementation would use as_vector to decompose the trial function into its components, multiply that vector with the matrix representation of C and afterwards use as_tensor to reinterpret the result as a tensor.

However, while this works, the information about the symmetry is lost.
I know, it is possible to simply tell the linear solver, that the system is symmetric.
But I have read at other places, that is seems to be beneficial, when FEniCS already knows about the symmetry when assembling the system.
Is this true?

So: How would you implement a symmetric fourth rank tensor?

I have the same problem I would like to know if you were able to find a method or a solution if it is the case sorry can you share it with me

I never got a solution myself and so did not solve this problem with FEniCS.

I ended up using one of our COMSOL licenses, where I didn’t have to take care of such things.
Of course, this advice is useless, if you’re forced to do it with FEniCS.

The fact that you asked tells me that not much changed in the last two years.

I am really blocked since I know more but I read a document which succeeded in making that here my program with the same problem.