I know there’s
that will show me which parameters I can set, when using NonlinearSolver
But I currently struggle to find information about the parameters for AdaptiveNonlinearVariationalSolver
In the Dolfin docs neither the C++ nor the Python docs say anything and there is only a single parameter (reference
) in the autoadaptive poisson demo that isn’t even explained in the demo file.
Can anyone help me, please?
To give a concrete example, I am using something like this:
pde = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, n, bcs, J)
solver = AdaptiveNonlinearVariationalSolver(pde, M)
and it is working well, but it terminates after 15 iterations by default and I want to increase that.
solver.parameters["newton_solver"]["krylov_solver"]["maximum_iterations"] = 50
like for the NonlinearSolver
iterface does not work (with “RuntimeError: Invalid parameter: newton_solver”).