Access function in time dependent XDMFFile

It works now, but apparently I can’t write several times as the file is “still open”. Is there a particular argument that need to be passed to the function ?

Thanks anyway for your help !

from fenics import *

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(2, 2)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)
ini_u = Expression("0", degree=2)
u = interpolate(ini_u, V)

with XDMFFile("u.xdmf") as file:
    file.write_checkpoint(u, "u_out", 0)

u1 = Function(V)
with XDMFFile("u.xdmf") as file:
    file.read_checkpoint(u1, "u_out", 0)

with XDMFFile("u.xdmf") as file:    
    file.write_checkpoint(u1, "u_out", 1)
    file.write_checkpoint(u1, "u_out", 2)