This is just a quick post to announce that the FEniCS 2022 conference is planned to be held in person at the University of California San Diego, on 22–24 August 2022. As in past years, it will be an opportunity for users and developers of FEniCS and related software projects to meet, present their research, and exchange ideas. More details will become available over the next few months.
I’m curious when we could have more information about the dates.
Does someone have more information at the moment ?
I’ve applied for some funding to potentially reduce or eliminate registration fees and provide travel awards, but it’s far from certain. I’m currently waiting to hear back on it, since that will determine the detailed registration information.
Update: We have now opened abstract submission, using the form here. In addition to talks on code development and research applications of FEniCS, we also welcome talks on educational uses of FEniCS and tutorials demonstrating FEniCS-related software. Abstracts are due on Friday, June 17, 2022. Information on registration will be available later, with details depending on the outcome of ongoing fundraising efforts.
Some more updates:
Registration is now open here, with a deadline of 22 July to be eligible for the reduced early-bird fee of $250, which includes payment for food during the conference.
With generous support from NumFOCUS, we anticipate providing a small number of travel awards, intended for students and postdocs with limited financial resources. To apply for a travel award, send a letter of motivation, an estimation of travel costs, a CV, and (if applicable) the conference abstract to by 8 July.
May I know whether there any chance for the public to join the conference online?
There will not be any mechanism for live online participation in the workshop, but the code examples from the FEniCSx tutorial will be available online.