Hello, Ihave tried to visualize delta in the code below, could you please try to see it? I am getting an error (output message) in paraview when I open PRO.pvd there and wondering if you will too. Thanks in advance.
Thanks a lot, is it possible to convert this example to 3d like this? I am getting this error when I tried I was able to see 3D axis earlier.I don’t know why it did not work now.
NotImplementedError: It is not currently possible to manually set the aspect on 3D axes
I will not run your code as you have not formated it properly with ```.
The 3D plotting issue is Fixed in dolfin master, and is because matplotlib changed behavior after the 2019.1.0 release. You can find a working image for plotting with matplotlib on quay.io.
However, in 3D, save it to file and visualize it in Paraview.
Which paraview version are you using? What is the error message? 3D plotting in a notebook is something you should avoid or use dedicated software such as vtkplotter for.