AttributeError: module '' has no attribute 'create_vector_wrap'

HI all. I am new to FEniCsx and I am trying to run some tutorial to get a general idea.
I am trying to run the tutorial on Stokes equation: Stokes equations with Taylor-Hood elements — DOLFINx 0.5.1 documentation
When I have to run the following part:

u, p = Function(V), Function(Q)
x = PETSc.Vec().createNest([,])
ksp.solve(b, x)

I get the following error:
AttributeError: module ‘’ has no attribute ‘create_vector_wrap’
Someone could help me with that?
Thank you.

Please have a look at the up to date documentation. You are looking at the 0.5.1 docs.
Here is the 0.7.3 docs: Stokes equations using Taylor-Hood elements — DOLFINx 0.7.3 documentation