I am new to Fenics and downloaded the heat equation tutorial from A known analytical solution — FEniCSx tutorial and tried to run it on my machine where I have DOLFINx installed:
fenics-basix 0.4.2 py310habb735a_3 conda-forge
fenics-dolfinx 0.4.1 py310ha03df54_1 conda-forge
fenics-ffcx 0.4.2 pyhb871ab6_1 conda-forge
fenics-libbasix 0.4.2 h7d4c6f1_3 conda-forge
fenics-libdolfinx 0.4.1 h83263e7_1 conda-forge
fenics-ufcx 0.4.2 hb871ab6_1 conda-forge
fenics-ufl 2022.1.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
The following code
u_D = fem.Function(V)
tdim = domain.topology.dim
fdim = tdim - 1
domain.topology.create_connectivity(fdim, tdim)
boundary_facets = mesh.exterior_facet_indices(domain.topology)
bc = fem.dirichletbc(u_D, fem.locate_dofs_topological(V, fdim, boundary_facets))
is giving me the following error:
AttributeError: module ‘dolfinx.mesh’ has no attribute ‘exterior_facet_indices’.
I tried to update/reinstall dolfinx via Conda but the latest version I seem to be able to get is the one listed above (fenics-dolfinx 0.4.1). Could anyone help me understand how to run it correctly?
Thank you!