Basic queries from the fenics book, chapter 1, Set #2

Can you supply a minimal example ? This should work

import numpy as np
from dolfin import *
V = FunctionSpace(UnitSquareMesh(10, 10), "CG", 1) 
u = Function(V)
u.vector()[:] = np.arange(V.dim())

It’s a numpy array. You can simply use numpy.savetxt() or for larger arrays or pickle or even h5py.

See this

from dolfin import *

I may have to check, but you can try and increase the degree to see what happens :slight_smile:

print(r"sigma = %8g: max deviation = %8g"%(sigma, dev)) #this is a python question

You can look at examples in matplotlib. Basically create subplots, and then traverse the axes list. See this for a minimal example

Again, I would suggest create a matplotlib.pyplot figure/axis and then play around with the view_angles

See this. Although it’s old, but still should give you what you want.

I know google results for functions will more often than not lead you to older releases of dolfin but searching the documentation and this forum should lead you to answers with most of the basic questions.