Boundary conditions with mixed space (vectorial x scalar)

Hello everyone,
I’m a beginner in the use of Fenics Project and I want to solve an electrostatic problem in a dielectric.

Presently, I consider a two-dimensional system with \Omega = [0.1] \times [0.1].

The two functions I want to determine are :

  • The bound charge density \rho(\vec{r}), a scalar field.
  • The polarization \vec{m}(\vec{r}), a vector field.

These two functions obey the following system of partial differential equations:

(K+1) \rho(\vec{r}) - K_l \Delta \rho(\vec{r}) + \beta \Delta^2 \rho(\vec{r}) = 0\\ \nabla \rho(\vec{r}) + \vec{m}(\vec{r}) = 0

The boundary conditions are as follows:

  • The system is periodic according to y: \rho(x,y)=\rho(x,1-y) and \vec{m}(x,y) = \vec{m}(x,1-y).
  • Dirichlet condition on the left edge: \rho(0, y) = \rho_0 and \vec{m}(0,y) = m_0 \vec{u}_x (m_0 and \rho_0 will be dependent on y then).
  • Dirichlet condition on the right edge: \rho(0, y) = 0 and \vec{m}(0,y) = \vec{0}.

Fishing here and there for information from the tutorial and the forum, I was able to write the following piece of code:

from fenics import *

# Define parameters of PDEs
K = 0.014285714285714285
K_l = -0.0020138584850228334
beta = 1.1188102694571296e-06

# Create mesh
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(32, 32)

# Define function spaces and mixed (product) space
# From
P_m =  FiniteElement('RT', triangle, 1)
P_rho = FiniteElement('DP', triangle, 0)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, P_m * P_rho)

# Define trial and test functions
m, rho = TrialFunctions(V)
m_test, rho_test = TestFunctions(V)

# Define bilinear form

## (K+1) m part
F = (K+1)*rho*rho_test*dx

## K_l * Laplacian part
F+= -K_l*(dot(grad(rho), grad(rho_test))*dx)

## beta * Bilaplacian part
## From :
## Not so clear why the variationnal formulation of the bilaplacan is so complicated ... 
### Define normal component, mesh size and right-hand side
h = CellDiameter(mesh)
h_avg = (h('+') + h('-'))/2.0
n = FacetNormal(mesh)

### Penalty parameter
alpha = Constant(8.0)

F+= beta*(
    inner(div(grad(rho)), div(grad(rho_test)))*dx \
  - inner(avg(div(grad(rho))), jump(grad(rho_test), n))*dS \
  - inner(jump(grad(rho), n), avg(div(grad(rho_test))))*dS \
  + alpha/h_avg*inner(jump(grad(rho),n), jump(grad(rho_test),n))*dS)

## Second PDE part
F+= (dot(m, m_test) + dot(grad(rho), m_test))*dx

# Boundary conditions
# bcs = ...

# Solve
w = Function(V)
solve(lhs(F) == rhs(F), w)

# Plot result
m, rho = w.split()

But as you can see it is still missing the part on boundaries conditions (periodicity + Dirichlet). I searched on the internet but I couldn’t understand how to implement them with a mix space (vectorial * scalar).

If someone could help me, I would be really grateful.


I don’t understand, I already format latex equation with $ :

Strange, renders for me now as well. Maybe a bug in my browser.