I try to follow the instructions below according to the official site to build fenics from source:
FENICS_VERSION=$(python3 -c"import ffc; print(ffc.version)")
git clone --branch=$FENICS_VERSION Bitbucket
git clone --branch=$FENICS_VERSION Bitbucket
mkdir dolfin/build && cd dolfin/build && cmake … && make install && cd …/…
mkdir mshr/build && cd mshr/build && cmake … && make install && cd …/…
cd dolfin/python && pip3 install . && cd …/…
cd mshr/python && pip3 install . && cd …/…
I get the following error:
fatal: Remote branch 2019.1.0.post0 not found in upstream origin, which tells me that
the mshr repository is not accessible. Any suggestions on how to continue?
Thanks in advance