Building from source mshr branch not availlable

I try to follow the instructions below according to the official site to build fenics from source:

FENICS_VERSION=$(python3 -c"import ffc; print(ffc.version)")
git clone --branch=$FENICS_VERSION Bitbucket
git clone --branch=$FENICS_VERSION Bitbucket
mkdir dolfin/build && cd dolfin/build && cmake … && make install && cd …/…
mkdir mshr/build && cd mshr/build && cmake … && make install && cd …/…
cd dolfin/python && pip3 install . && cd …/…
cd mshr/python && pip3 install . && cd …/…

I get the following error:
fatal: Remote branch 2019.1.0.post0 not found in upstream origin, which tells me that
the mshr repository is not accessible. Any suggestions on how to continue?

Thanks in advance

Mshr is no longer maintained. People are encouraged to use external meshing software such as Gmsh/pygmsh.
A comparison of external generators can be found at: GitHub - nschloe/meshgen-comparison: A comparison of mesh generators.

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mshr can be considered deprecated, as dokken noted. That said, you can still access it at Bitbucket , You’ll just have to use manual control of the branch. I recommend using master if you want to proceed to build mshr. Note also that dolfin itself can be considered deprecated, replaced by dolfinx. If you’re starting a new project then use dolfinx.

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