Can you help me apply compute_cell_contributions method to 1D cantilever beam example?

Consider the following MWE:

import ufl
import dolfinx
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from petsc4py import PETSc
import dolfinx
import dolfinx.fem.petsc
import ufl
from dolfinx import fem
from dolfinx.mesh import create_mesh
import basix

def compute_cell_contributions(V, points):
    Determine the cells that contain the specified points and compute the basis
    function values at those points.

        V (FunctionSpace): The finite element function space.
        points (np.array): Array of points to be evaluated.

        cells (np.array): Array of cell indices containing the points.
        basis_values (np.array): Array of basis function values at the points.
    # Extract the mesh from the function space
    mesh = V.mesh

    # Determine point ownership using the mesh's CPP object and points.
    # `1e-6` is a tolerance value to handle numerical precision issues.
    ownership_data = dolfinx.cpp.geometry.determine_point_ownership(
        mesh._cpp_object, points, 1e-8

    # Get the points and cells that own the specified points
    owning_points = ownership_data.dest_points
    cells = ownership_data.dest_cells

    # Convert owning points to a numpy array and reshape to (num_points, 3)
    owning_points = np.asarray(owning_points).reshape(-1, 3)

    # Get mesh node coordinates
    mesh_nodes = mesh.geometry.x

    # Get the coordinate mapping (cmap) for the mesh
    cmap = mesh.geometry.cmap

    # Initialize an array to hold reference coordinates
    ref_x = np.zeros((len(cells), mesh.topology.dim), dtype=mesh.geometry.x.dtype)
    # Loop over each point and corresponding cell
    for i, (point, cell) in enumerate(zip(owning_points, cells)):
        # Get the degrees of freedom (dofs) for the cell
        geom_dofs = mesh.geometry.dofmap[cell]
        # Pull back the point to reference coordinates using the coordinate map (cmap)
        ref_x[i] = cmap.pull_back(point.reshape(-1, 3), mesh_nodes[geom_dofs])

    # Define a trial function in the function space V
    u = ufl.TrialFunction(V)

    # Get the number of degrees of freedom per cell and multiply by block size
    num_dofs = V.dofmap.dof_layout.num_dofs *

    # If there are any cells that own the points
    if len(cells) > 0:
        # Create an expression for evaluating the basis functions
        expr = dolfinx.fem.Expression(u, ref_x, comm=MPI.COMM_SELF)

        # Evaluate the expression on the mesh for the given cells
        values = expr.eval(mesh, np.asarray(cells, dtype=np.int32))

        # Extract the basis values for the degrees of freedom
        basis_values = values[: num_dofs : num_dofs * len(cells)]
        # If no cells own the points, create an empty basis_values array
        basis_values = np.zeros((0, num_dofs), dtype=dolfinx.default_scalar_type)
    # Return the cells and corresponding basis function values
    return cells, basis_values

# Geometral
length = 1.0
# Define the number of intervals and the end points
n_intervals = 10
# Geometral
length = 1.0
# Define the number of intervals and the end points
n_intervals = 10
end_points = [0.0, length]  # along x[0]
# Create points and cells for the interval mesh
points = np.linspace(end_points[0], end_points[1], n_intervals * 2 + 1)
cells = np.array(
    [[i, i + 2, i + 1] for i in range(0, 2 * n_intervals, 2)], dtype=np.int64
# Initialize a new 3D coordinate array
coordinates = np.zeros((points.shape[0], 3))
coordinates[:, 0] = points  # Set the x-coordinates
# Create the UFL element
element = basix.ufl.element(
    "interval",  # 1D cells
    2,  # degree of the finite element
)  # 3D space
# Create the mesh
domain = create_mesh(MPI.COMM_WORLD, cells, coordinates, element)
# from dolfinx.mesh import create_interval

# domain = create_interval(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 10, [0, length])
# Get the geometrical and topological dimensions of the new mesh
gdim = domain.geometry.dim
tdim = domain.topology.dim

# from dolfinx.mesh import create_interval
# domain = create_interval(MPI.COMM_WORLD, n_intervals, [0, length])

# Get the geometrical and topological dimensions of the new mesh
gdim = domain.geometry.dim
tdim = domain.topology.dim

print("geometrical dimension : ", gdim)
print("topological dimension : ", tdim)

# Define the function space
V = fem.functionspace(
        2,  # polynomial degree
)  # function space dimension

# Define the variational problem
u = ufl.TrialFunction(V)  # Displacement (unknown)
v = ufl.TestFunction(V)  # Test function
E = dolfinx.fem.Constant(domain, 1.0e7)  # Young's modulus
I = dolfinx.fem.Constant(domain, 1.0e-4)  # Moment of inertia
A_c = dolfinx.fem.Constant(domain, 1.0e-2)  # Cross-sectional area

# Define the stiffness matrix for a beam in 3D
a = (
    E * I * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(u), ufl.grad(v)) * ufl.dx
    + A_c * ufl.inner(u, v) * ufl.dx
a_compiled = dolfinx.fem.form(a)

# Apply boundary condition (fixed at the left end)
dofs = dolfinx.fem.locate_dofs_geometrical(V, lambda x: np.isclose(x[0], 0))
zero = dolfinx.fem.Function(V)
zero.x.array[:] = 0
bc = dolfinx.fem.dirichletbc(zero, dofs)

# Initialize the right-hand side vector
b = dolfinx.fem.Function(V)

if domain.comm.rank == 0:  # If this is the root process ...
    print("root process")
    # define the point load position as a 3D with dtype match the mesh
    point_load_position = np.array([[length, 0, 0]], dtype=domain.geometry.x.dtype)
    point_load_position = np.zeros(
        (0, domain.geometry.dim), dtype=domain.geometry.x.dtype

# Compute the contributions to the right-hand side from the point source
# points = point_load_position
cells, basis_values = compute_cell_contributions(V, point_load_position)
print("Cells:", cells)
print("Basis values:", basis_values)
for cell, basis_value in zip(cells, basis_values):
    dofs = V.dofmap.cell_dofs(cell)
    for i, dof in enumerate(dofs):
        for bs in range(
            b.x.array[dof * + i] += basis_value[i * + bs] * -1.0

# Apply the boundary conditions to the right-hand side vector
b_petsc = b.x.petsc_vec
dolfinx.fem.petsc.apply_lifting(b_petsc, [a_compiled], [[bc]])

dolfinx.fem.petsc.set_bc(b.vector, [bc])
# Assemble the system matrix
A = dolfinx.fem.petsc.assemble_matrix(a_compiled, bcs=[bc])

# Set up the linear solver
ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(domain.comm)

# Solve the linear system
uh = dolfinx.fem.Function(V)
ksp.solve(b.vector, uh.vector)

# extract coordinates
DoFs_x = V.tabulate_dof_coordinates()[:, 0]

# extract displacement


with, "u.bp", [uh], engine="BP4") as bp:

Note that I changed


cells = np.array(
    [[i, i + 2, i + 1] for i in range(0, 2 * n_intervals, 2)], dtype=np.int64

since the nodes has to following the ordering defined in at DefElement

I also changed several other things in your code.

Note that it is unclear to me why you need the interval to be embedded in 3D. Why cant the interval be a 1D interval with a 3D vector function space defined on it? Does it really need to be a 1D manifold in 3D space?