Cellwise interpolation of a discontuous function onto a (possibly nonmatching) mesh

Hey there,

I stumbled about the following problem last week and couldn’t resolve it on my own. I am working in a DG setting and want to interpolate a given function to a finer mesh. For that I am using a nonmatching interpolation, which works fine as long as the solution is continuous.

However, I found some behavior I could not explain, when I was trying to interpolate discontinuous functions. I then tried a cell-wise approach and the behavior looked even stranger. In the following MWE I tried to boil this down into a 1D case (later I’m more interested in a 2D version of that).

from mpi4py import MPI
import dolfinx as dfx
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

mesh_coarse = dfx.mesh.create_interval(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 4, (0, 1.0))
mesh_fine = dfx.mesh.create_interval(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 12, (0, 1.0))

fem_type = "DG"
V_h = dfx.fem.FunctionSpace(mesh_coarse, (fem_type, 1))
V_ref = dfx.fem.FunctionSpace(mesh_fine, (fem_type, 1))

u_h = dfx.fem.Function(V_h)
u_h.x.array[:] = np.arange(len(u_h.x.array))  # a coarse function with some jumps
V_h_x = np.array([coord[0] for coord in V_h.tabulate_dof_coordinates()])
V_ref_x = np.array([coord[0] for coord in V_ref.tabulate_dof_coordinates()])

u_h_int = dfx.fem.Function(V_ref)
u_h_glob_int = dfx.fem.Function(V_ref)
interpolation_data = dfx.fem.create_nonmatching_meshes_interpolation_data(
    V_ref.mesh._cpp_object, V_ref.element, V_h.mesh._cpp_object, padding=1e-9

u_h_glob_int.interpolate(u_h, nmm_interpolation_data=interpolation_data)

c_map = V_ref.mesh.topology.index_map(V_ref.mesh.topology.dim)
num_cells = c_map.size_local + c_map.num_ghosts
for cell in range(num_cells):

plt.plot(V_h_x, u_h.x.array, marker="x", label="uh")
plt.plot(V_ref_x, u_h_int.x.array, marker="x", label="uh cellwise interpolated")
plt.plot(V_ref_x, u_h_glob_int.x.array, marker="x", label="uh interpolated")

The code generates the following plot:

I somehow want the green line to capture the jumps of the blue line, which is indeed possible in this setting (the fine mesh is a refinement of the coarse one). Note, that I plotted over coords[0], so the green line has the same amount of points as the orange one (my try on a cell-wise interpolation). As you see, the cell-wise approach didn’t work at all, and I’m not completely sure why. I also tried doing the interpolation a seperate Function instance and adding the relevant data to u_h_int, but the result was basically the same.

My two main questions are:

  • Is it possible to calculate a cell-wise interpolation in a DG context?
  • How can I capture jumps, when interpolating bewteen meshes?

Thanks a lot in advance :slight_smile:

DG-1 will be very tricky to capture accurately, as you will have multiple dofs at the same physical position, which the algorithm cannot logical distinguish.

If you want something discontinuous transfered, i would either:

  1. use a projection, as described here:
    L2 projection of fine mesh solution to a coarse mesh - #6 by dokken
  2. use DG-0, whose coordinate is at the cell center, and does not have duplicates.

Thanks a lot for the quick response. Would such a projection approach also work the other way around, i.e. projecting from a coarse to a finer mesh?

When calculating an error of some approximation against a reference solution this would feel more natural than the other way around.

Yes, that should work. Note that alignment between cells of the coarser and finer grid is crucial to avoid Gibbs as shown in Projection and interpolation — FEniCS Tutorial @ Sorbonne

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