Change to basix element

#add code here

deg_quad = 2  # quadrature degree for internal state variable representation
W0e = ufl.FiniteElement(
We = ufl.VectorElement(
W = fem.functionspace(domain, We)
W0 = fem.functionspace(domain, W0e)

How can I change this to basix.ufl.element ?
Thank you

See for instance dolfinx/python/test/unit/fem/ at v0.8.0 · FEniCS/dolfinx · GitHub

Thank you very much, are you referring to these lines of code?

CG2_vect = dolfinx.fem.functionspace(msh, ("Lagrange", 1))
    Qe = basix.ufl.quadrature_element(msh.topology.cell_name(), degree=degree)
    Quad = dolfinx.fem.functionspace(msh, Qe)

    u = dolfinx.fem.Function(Quad)
    v = ufl.TrialFunction(CG2_vect)

    dx_m = ufl.Measure(
        "dx", domain=msh, metadata={"quadrature_degree": 1, "quadrature_scheme": "default"}
    ds = ufl.Measure("ds", domain=msh)

Or these

for the vector element case, where value_shape=(4,) in your case. Drop value_shape altogether to go back to the scalar element case.

Thank you very much, now I try with it

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import gmsh
from mpi4py import MPI
import ufl
import basix
from dolfinx import mesh, fem, io
import dolfinx.fem.petsc
from petsc4py import PETSc

hsize = 0.2

Re = 1.3
Ri = 1.0
# -

# We then model a quarter of cylinder using `Gmsh` similarly to the [](/tours/linear_problems/axisymmetric_elasticity/ demo.

# + tags=["hide-input"]
gdim = 2
model_rank = 0
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
    gmsh.option.setNumber("General.Terminal", 0)  # to disable meshing info

    geom = gmsh.model.geo
    center = geom.add_point(0, 0, 0)
    p1 = geom.add_point(Ri, 0, 0)
    p2 = geom.add_point(Re, 0, 0)
    p3 = geom.add_point(0, Re, 0)
    p4 = geom.add_point(0, Ri, 0)

    x_radius = geom.add_line(p1, p2)
    outer_circ = geom.add_circle_arc(p2, center, p3)
    y_radius = geom.add_line(p3, p4)
    inner_circ = geom.add_circle_arc(p4, center, p1)

    boundary = geom.add_curve_loop([x_radius, outer_circ, y_radius, inner_circ])
    surf = geom.add_plane_surface([boundary])


    gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMin", hsize)
    gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax", hsize)

    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(gdim, [surf], 1)
    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(gdim - 1, [x_radius], 1, name="bottom")
    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(gdim - 1, [y_radius], 2, name="left")
    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(gdim - 1, [inner_circ], 3, name="inner")


domain, _, facets = io.gmshio.model_to_mesh(
    gmsh.model, MPI.COMM_WORLD, model_rank, gdim=gdim
# -

# We now define some material parameters and the function space for the displacement field. We choose here a standard $\mathbb{P}_2$ Lagrange space.

# +
E = fem.Constant(domain, 70e3)  # in MPa
nu = fem.Constant(domain, 0.3)
lmbda = E * nu / (1 + nu) / (1 - 2 * nu)
mu = E / 2.0 / (1 + nu)
sig0 = fem.Constant(domain, 250.0)  # yield strength in MPa
Et = E / 100.0  # tangent modulus
H = E * Et / (E - Et)  # hardening modulus

deg_u = 2
shape = (gdim,)
V = fem.functionspace(domain, ("P", deg_u, shape))
# -

# ```{attention}
# Elasto-plastic computations might result in volumetric locking issues induced by incompressible plastic deformations. In this demo, we do not attempt to solve this issue and use quadratic triangles which in 2D are sufficient to mitigate the locking phenomenon.
# ```
# Boundary conditions correspond to symmetry conditions on the bottom and left parts (resp. numbered 1 and 2). Loading consists of a uniform pressure on the internal boundary (numbered 3). It will be progressively increased from 0 to a value slightly larger than $q_\text{lim}=\dfrac{2}{\sqrt{3}}\sigma_0\log\left(\dfrac{R_e}{R_i}\right)$ which is the analytical collapse load for a perfectly-plastic material (no hardening).

# +
Vx, _ = V.sub(0).collapse()
Vy, _ = V.sub(1).collapse()
bottom_dofsy = fem.locate_dofs_topological((V.sub(1), Vy), gdim - 1, facets.find(1))
top_dofsx = fem.locate_dofs_topological((V.sub(0), Vx), gdim - 1, facets.find(2))

# used for post-processing
def bottom_inside(x):
    return np.logical_and(np.isclose(x[0], Ri), np.isclose(x[1], 0))

bottom_inside_dof = fem.locate_dofs_geometrical((V.sub(0), Vx), bottom_inside)[0]

u0x = fem.Function(Vx)
u0y = fem.Function(Vy)
bcs = [
    fem.dirichletbc(u0x, top_dofsx, V.sub(0)),
    fem.dirichletbc(u0y, bottom_dofsy, V.sub(1)),

n = ufl.FacetNormal(domain)
q_lim = float(2 / np.sqrt(3) * np.log(Re / Ri) * sig0)

loading = fem.Constant(domain, 0.0)
# -

# ### Internal state variables and `Quadrature` elements
# When dealing with nonlinear constitutive models, internal state variables such as plastic strains represent the history seen by the material and have to be stored in some way. We choose here to represent them using `Quadrature` elements. This choice will make it possible to express the complex non-linear material constitutive equation at the Gauss points only, without involving any interpolation of non-linear expressions throughout the element. It will ensure an optimal convergence rate for the Newton-Raphson method, see chap. 26 of {cite:p}`logg2012fenicsbook`. We will need `Quadrature` elements for 4-dimensional vectors and scalars, the number of Gauss points will be determined by the required degree `deg_quad` of the `Quadrature` element, see the [](/tips/quadrature_schemes/ tour for more details on the choice of quadrature rules.
# ```{note}
# We point out that, although the problem is 2D, plastic strain still occur in the transverse $zz$ direction. This will require us to keep track of the out-of-plane $zz$ components of stress/strain states.
# ```
# % TODO: Change to Basix elements

deg_quad = 2  # quadrature degree for internal state variable representation
#W0e = ufl.FiniteElement(
   # "Quadrature",
   # degree=deg_quad,
   # quad_scheme="default",
W0e = basix.ufl.quadrature_element(
    domain.topology.cell_name(), scheme="default", degree=2
#Quad = dolfinx.fem.functionspace(msh, Qe)
We = basix.ufl.quadrature_element(
    domain.topology.cell_name(), value_shape=(4,), scheme="default", degree=2
#Quad = dolfinx.fem.functionspace(msh, Qe)
#We = ufl.VectorElement(
  #  "Quadrature",
   # dim=4,
   # quad_scheme="default",
W = fem.functionspace(domain, We)
W0 = fem.functionspace(domain, W0e)

# Various functions are defined to keep track of the current internal state and currently computed increments.

# +
sig = fem.Function(W)
sig_old = fem.Function(W)
n_elas = fem.Function(W)
beta = fem.Function(W0)
p = fem.Function(W0, name="Cumulative_plastic_strain")
dp = fem.Function(W0)
u = fem.Function(V, name="Total_displacement")
du = fem.Function(V, name="Iteration_correction")
Du = fem.Function(V, name="Current_increment")
v = ufl.TrialFunction(V)
u_ = ufl.TestFunction(V)

P0 = fem.functionspace(domain, ("DG", 0))
p_avg = fem.Function(P0, name="Plastic_strain")

# -

# Before writing the variational form, we now define some useful functions which will enable performing the constitutive relation update using the return mapping procedure described earlier. First, the strain tensor will be represented in a 3D fashion by appending zeros on the out-of-plane components since, even if the problem is 2D, the plastic constitutive relation will involve out-of-plane plastic strains. The elastic constitutive relation is also defined and a function `as_3D_tensor` will enable to represent a 4 dimensional vector containing respectively $xx, yy, zz$ and $xy$ components as a 3D tensor:

# +
def eps(v):
    e = ufl.sym(ufl.grad(v))
    return ufl.as_tensor([[e[0, 0], e[0, 1], 0], [e[0, 1], e[1, 1], 0], [0, 0, 0]])

def elastic_behavior(eps_el):
    return lmbda * * ufl.Identity(3) + 2 * mu * eps_el

def as_3D_tensor(X):
    return ufl.as_tensor([[X[0], X[3], 0], [X[3], X[1], 0], [0, 0, X[2]]])

def to_vect(X):
    return ufl.as_vector([X[0, 0], X[1, 1], X[2, 2], X[0, 1]])

# -

# The return mapping procedure is implemented in the `constitutive_update` function which takes as an argument a total strain increment Δε, the previous stress state `old_sig` and the previous plastic strain `old_p`. For computing the plastic strain increment, we use formula {eq}`Deltap-formula` where `ppos` implements the positive part function.
# Plastic evolution also requires the computation of the normal vector to the final yield surface given by $\boldsymbol{n}_{\text{elas}} = \boldsymbol{s}_\text{elas}/\sigeq^{\text{elas}}$. In the following, this vector must be zero in case of elastic evolution. Hence, we multiply it by $\dfrac{\langle f_{\text{elas}}\rangle_+}{ f_{\text{elas}}}$ to tackle both cases in a single expression. The final stress state is corrected by the plastic strain as follows $\bsig_{n+1} = \bsig_{\text{elas}} - \beta \boldsymbol{s}_\text{elas}$ with $\beta = \dfrac{3\mu}{\sigeq^{\text{elas}}}\Delta p$. It can be observed that the last term vanishes in case of elastic evolution so that the final stress is indeed the elastic predictor.

# +
ppos = lambda x: ufl.max_value(x, 0)

def constitutive_update(Δε, old_sig, old_p):
    sig_n = as_3D_tensor(old_sig)
    sig_elas = sig_n + elastic_behavior(Δε)
    s =
    sig_eq = ufl.sqrt(3 / 2.0 * ufl.inner(s, s))
    f_elas = sig_eq - sig0 - H * old_p
    dp = ppos(f_elas) / (3 * mu + H)
    n_elas = s / sig_eq * ppos(f_elas) / f_elas
    beta = 3 * mu * dp / sig_eq
    new_sig = sig_elas - beta * s
    return to_vect(new_sig), to_vect(n_elas), beta, dp

# -

# In order to use a Newton-Raphson procedure to resolve global equilibrium, we also need to derive the algorithmic consistent tangent matrix given by:
# ```{math}
# \CC_{\text{tang}}^{\text{alg}} = \CC - 3\mu\left(\dfrac{3\mu}{3\mu+H}-\beta\right)  \boldsymbol{n}_{\text{elas}} \otimes \boldsymbol{n}_{\text{elas}} - 2\mu\beta\mathbb{Dev}
# ```
# where $\mathbb{Dev}$ is the 4th-order tensor associated with the deviatoric operator (note that $\CC_{\text{tang}}^{\text{alg}}=\CC$ for elastic evolution). Contrary to what is done in {cite:p}`logg2012fenicsbook`, we do not store it as the components of a 4th-order tensor but it will suffice keeping track of the normal vector and the $\beta$ parameter related to the plastic strains. We instead define the function `sigma_tang` computing the tangent stress $\bsig_\text{tang} = \CC_{\text{tang}}^{\text{alg}}: \boldsymbol{\varepsilon}$ as follows:

def sigma_tang(eps):
    N_elas = as_3D_tensor(n_elas)
    return (
        - 3 * mu * (3 * mu / (3 * mu + H) - beta) * ufl.inner(N_elas, eps) * N_elas
        - 2 * mu * beta *

# ```{attention}
# In this simple case, the stress expression from `constitutive_update` is explicit and can be represented using pure `ufl` expressions. Hence, we could use this nonlinear expression in the nonlinear residual and use automatic differentiation to compute directly the corresponding tangent form. Here, we voluntarily do differently, as a pedagogical way towards more complex constitutive models for which the stress expression is no longer explicit. In these cases, the stress and tangent stiffness have to be formally represented as quadrature points and the `constitutive_update` provides the corresponding values at quadrature points.
# ```
# ### Global problem and custom Newton-Raphson procedure
# We now are in position to define the nonlinear residual variational form and the corresponding tangent bilinear form to be used in a global Newton-Raphson scheme. Each iteration will require establishing equilibrium by driving to zero the residual between the internal forces associated with the current stress state `sig` and the external force vector. Because we use `Quadrature` elements a custom integration measure `dx` must be defined to match the quadrature degree and scheme used by the Quadrature elements.

ds = ufl.Measure("ds", domain=domain, subdomain_data=facets)
dx = ufl.Measure(
    metadata={"quadrature_degree": deg_quad, "quadrature_scheme": "default"},
Residual = ufl.inner(eps(u_), as_3D_tensor(sig)) * dx - ufl.inner(
    -loading * n, u_
) * ds(3)
tangent_form = ufl.inner(eps(v), sigma_tang(eps(u_))) * dx

# During the Newton-Raphson iterations, we will have to interpolate some `ufl` expressions at quadrature points to update the corresponding functions. We define the `interpolate_quadrature` function to do so. We first get the quadrature points location in the reference element and then use the `fem.Expression.eval` to evaluate the expression on all cells.

# +
basix_celltype = getattr(basix.CellType, domain.topology.cell_types[0].name)
quadrature_points, weights = basix.make_quadrature(basix_celltype, deg_quad)

map_c = domain.topology.index_map(domain.topology.dim)
num_cells = map_c.size_local + map_c.num_ghosts
cells = np.arange(0, num_cells, dtype=np.int32)

def interpolate_quadrature(ufl_expr, function):
    expr_expr = fem.Expression(ufl_expr, quadrature_points)
    expr_eval = expr_expr.eval(domain, cells)
    function.x.array[:] = expr_eval.flatten()[:]

# -

# We now define the global Newton-Raphson loop. At each iteration, we need to solve a linear system of the form:
# $$
# \mathbf{A}_\text{tang}\mathbf{du} = -\mathbf{R}
# $$
# where $\mathbf{R}$ is the current value of the nonlinear residual, $\mathbf{du}$ the iteration correction to the unknown field $\mathbf{u}$ and $\mathbf{A}_\text{tang}$ the tangent operator of the nonlinear residual. To simplify the implementation, we rely on the `fem.petsc.LinearProblem` utility class to define and solve linear problems. In the following, we need to explicitly separate the steps where we assemble the linear system right-hand side from when we assemble the matrix left-hand side and solve the linear system. We therefore define a new class inheriting from `LinearProblem` and splitting these different steps.
# ```{warning}
# We will use the `CustomLinearProblem` class within a custom implementation of the Newton method. During the course of the Newton iterations, we need to account for possible non-zero Dirichlet boundary conditions (although all Dirichlet boundary conditions are zero in the present case). We use the implementation provided in []( for lifting the right-hand side of the Newton system with non-zero Dirichlet boundary conditions.
# ```

# +
class CustomLinearProblem(fem.petsc.LinearProblem):
    def assemble_rhs(self, u=None):
        """Assemble right-hand side and lift Dirichlet bcs.

        u : dolfinx.fem.Function, optional
            For non-zero Dirichlet bcs u_D, use this function to assemble rhs with the value u_D - u_{bc}
            where u_{bc} is the value of the given u at the corresponding. Typically used for custom Newton methods
            with non-zero Dirichlet bcs.

        # Assemble rhs
        with self._b.localForm() as b_loc:
        fem.petsc.assemble_vector(self._b, self._L)

        # Apply boundary conditions to the rhs
        x0 = [] if u is None else [u.vector]
        fem.petsc.apply_lifting(self._b, [self._a], bcs=[self.bcs], x0=x0, scale=1.0)
        self._b.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
        x0 = None if u is None else u.vector
        fem.petsc.set_bc(self._b, self.bcs, x0, scale=1.0)

    def assemble_lhs(self):
        fem.petsc.assemble_matrix_mat(self._A, self._a, bcs=self.bcs)

    def solve_system(self):
        # Solve linear system and update ghost values in the solution
        self._solver.solve(self._b, self._x)

tangent_problem = CustomLinearProblem(
        "ksp_type": "preonly",
        "pc_type": "lu",
        "pc_factor_mat_solver_type": "mumps",
# -

# We discretize the applied loading using `Nincr` increments from $0$ up to a value slightly larger than $1$ (we exclude $0$ from the list of load steps). A nonlinear discretization is adopted to refine the load steps during the plastic evolution phase. At each time increment, the system is assembled and the residual norm is computed. The incremental displacement `Du` is initialized to zero and the inner iteration loop performing the constitutive update is initiated. Inside this loop, corrections `du` to the displacement increment `Du` are computed by solving the Newton system and the return mapping update is performed using the current total strain increment `deps`. The resulting quantities are then interpolated onto their appropriate `Quadrature` function space. The Newton system and residuals are reassembled and this procedure continues until the residual norm falls below a given tolerance. After convergence of the iteration loop, the total displacement, stress and plastic strain states are updated for the next time step.

# +
Nitermax, tol = 200, 1e-6  # parameters of the Newton-Raphson procedure
Nincr = 20
load_steps = np.linspace(0, 1.1, Nincr + 1)[1:] ** 0.5
results = np.zeros((Nincr + 1, 3))

# we set all functions to zero before entering the loop in case we would like to reexecute this code cell

Δε = eps(Du)
sig_, n_elas_, beta_, dp_ = constitutive_update(Δε, sig_old, p)

for i, t in enumerate(load_steps):
    loading.value = t * q_lim

    # compute the residual norm at the beginning of the load step
    nRes0 = tangent_problem._b.norm()
    nRes = nRes0
    Du.x.array[:] = 0

    niter = 0
    while nRes / nRes0 > tol and niter < Nitermax:
        # solve for the displacement correction

        # update the displacement increment with the current correction
        Du.vector.axpy(1, du.vector)  # Du = Du + 1*du

        # interpolate the new stresses and internal state variables
        interpolate_quadrature(sig_, sig)
        interpolate_quadrature(n_elas_, n_elas)
        interpolate_quadrature(beta_, beta)

        # compute the new residual
        nRes = tangent_problem._b.norm()

        niter += 1

    # Update the displacement with the converged increment
    u.vector.axpy(1, Du.vector)  # u = u + 1*Du

    # Update the previous plastic strain
    interpolate_quadrature(dp_, dp)
    p.vector.axpy(1, dp.vector)

    # Update the previous stress
    sig_old.x.array[:] = sig.x.array[:]

    if len(bottom_inside_dof) > 0:  # test if proc has dof
        results[i + 1, :] = (u.x.array[bottom_inside_dof[0]], t, niter)
# -

# We plot the evolution e of the cylinder displacement on the inner boundary with the applied loading. We can check that we recover the correct analytical limit load when considering no hardening.

if len(bottom_inside_dof) > 0:  # test if proc has dof
    plt.plot(results[:, 0], results[:, 1], "-oC3")
    plt.xlabel("Displacement of inner boundary")
    plt.ylabel(r"Applied pressure $q/q_{lim}$")

# Finally, we also report the evolution of the number of Newton iterations as a function of the loading increments:

if len(bottom_inside_dof) > 0: + 1), results[:, 2], color="C2")
    plt.xlabel("Loading step")
    plt.ylabel("Number of iterations")

# ## References
# ```{bibliography}
# :filter: docname in docnames
# ```

This is my code, taken from the documentation of fenicsx, the example of 2d Von Mises plasticity and now I have this problem:

basix_celltype = getattr(basix.CellType, domain.topology.cell_types[0].name)

This line of code gives me this error:

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in <cell line: 250>()
249 # +
→ 250 basix_celltype = getattr(basix.CellType, domain.topology.cell_types[0].name)
251 quadrature_points, weights = basix.make_quadrature(basix_celltype, deg_quad)

AttributeError: ‘Topology’ object has no attribute ‘cell_types’

How can I fix it? Thank you

is now domain.topology.cell_name(). Note that since you are using 0.8,0, you should consult the changelog from 0.7.x:

Thank you very much Dokken, now it seems to work

Is it also possible to find the code for the contour plot of the displacement and the stresses?

I have not updated the DOLFINx tutorial fully yet for 0.8, But there are only minor changes,

for most api changes

Thank you.

import dolfinx.plot as plot
import pyvista

p = pyvista.Plotter()
u_topology, u_cell_types, u_geometry = plot.vtk_mesh(V)
grid = pyvista.UnstructuredGrid(u_topology, u_cell_types, u_geometry)

u_3D = np.zeros((u_geometry.shape[0], 3))
u_3D[:, :2] = u.x.array.reshape(-1, 2)
grid.point_data["Displacement"] = u_3D
warped = grid.warp_by_vector("Displacement", factor=1000)

p.window_size = (800, 300)
edges = warped.extract_all_edges()
p.add_mesh(edges, color="k", line_width=1, opacity=0.5)

I’m trying with these lines of code, that I have readapted from the example of thermoelasticity, but they don’t work. When it arrives to it continues to run the code without ever finishing.

The content of the post changed completely: you originally asked how to use a quadrature element in dolfinx 0.8.0, and gradually you moved to unrelated questions, ending up in how to plot with pyvista. Please keep follow up messages in topic: if they aren’t, you can simply create a new post.

I am going to close this. Feel free to open a new post, but note that:

  1. the code you posted isn’t reproducible (for instance, we don’t have V)
  2. it’s impossible for us to judge what may or may not wrong with the plot not showing unless you tell us how you installed FEniCSx and pyvista.