Dear all,
I wish to compute the reaction force for the multiphysics (thermoelasticity: thermal is transient and elasticity is static) problem at every time instant. I am fixing the left edge and pulling the right edge with displacement boundary condition. Also the temperature is applied to left edge. I am solving these coupled temperature-displacement using NR solver of FEniCS.
I wish to calculate the reaction force on the left edge. I have tried to calculate it from here. But it shows the reaction forces as 0.0 which is not true. I tried other way also as shown in the code. Both of them show the reaction force as 0.0. Is there something I am missing. Any help would be valuable.
from dolfin import *
from fenics import *
E = 30;
nu = 0.3000000000
alpha = 0.1;
mu = E/(2.0*(1.0+nu))
lamb = E*nu/((1.0+nu)*(1.0-2.0*nu))
coeff = E*alpha/((1.0-2.0*nu)*3.0);
T = 0.1 # final time
num_steps = 10 # number of time steps
dt = T / num_steps # time step size
def clamp(x,on_boundary):
return on_boundary and near(x[0],0.0000)
def right(x,on_boundary):
return on_boundary and near(x[0],1.00)
V = VectorElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 2) #displacement u
Q = FiniteElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 2) #Temperature
a = MixedElement([V,Q])
W = FunctionSpace(mesh, a)
w = Function(W)
(u, p) = split(w)
(v, q) = TestFunctions(W)
def epsilon(u):
return 0.5*(nabla_grad(u)+nabla_grad(u).T)
def sigma(u,p):
return lamb*nabla_div(u)*Identity(d)+2*mu*epsilon(u)-coeff*(p-initial)*Identity(d)
def sigmah(u,p):
return tr(sigma(u,p))/3.0
F=inner(sigma(u,p),epsilon(v))*dx + p*q*dx + dt*inner(grad(p), grad(q))*dx - (p_n)*q*dx
x_dofs = W.sub(0).sub(0).dofmap().dofs()
y_dofs = W.sub(0).sub(1).dofmap().dofs()
t = 0.0
for n in range(num_steps):
t += dt
solve(F == 0, w, bc)
f_int = assemble(inner(sigma(u,p),epsilon(v))*dx)
Fx = 0
for i in x_dofs:
Fx += f_int[i]
Fy = 0
for i in y_dofs:
Fy += f_int[i]
print("Horizontal reaction force: %f"%(Fx))
print("Vertical reaction force: %f"%(Fy))
R = derivative(F, u, v)
Fy = 0
for i in x_dofs:
Fy += fint[i]
print("######################## %f"%(Fy))
Thanks in advance.