where u is the unknown field and \varepsilon_\mathrm{r} is a domain dependent material parameter.
The problem is to deform the geometry/mesh so as to realize the given constraint. I already know the mesh deformation field V_s as a solution to Laplace equation.
My question is, can I define a variational form where the material parameter \varepsilon_\mathrm{r} is expressed as a function of deformed field V_s rather than the original mesh? If true, I believe I should be able to define it as a constrained nonlinear problem. I would appreciate if knowledgeable people could give me pointers or refer me to relevant examples.
Thank you very much for your feedback and links. I agree the post is ambiguous but let me try to clarify by answering your questions:
The operator \mathbf{dr} is over the entire volume/geometry.
I know how the geometry (i.e. the mesh) is deformed according to \mathbf{V}_s which is a solution of Laplace equation. But the magnitude of deformation (a scalar s) is unknown and needs to be determined by the constraint equation. I hope I do not misuse the notations by relating the deformed space \mathbf{x}_s in terms of the original space \mathbf{x}:
Of course one can solve this problem using the optimization approach. But my problem involves only a single parameter for which optimization appears to be overkill and I wanted to try the idea described in the question.