Constrained problem involving mesh deformation


I have a problem exemplified by the following equations:

\nabla.\varepsilon_\mathrm{r}\nabla u = 0,

subject to the following constraint

\intop \mathbf{dr}\varepsilon_\mathrm{r}|\nabla u|^2 = C,

where u is the unknown field and \varepsilon_\mathrm{r} is a domain dependent material parameter.

The problem is to deform the geometry/mesh so as to realize the given constraint. I already know the mesh deformation field V_s as a solution to Laplace equation.

My question is, can I define a variational form where the material parameter \varepsilon_\mathrm{r} is expressed as a function of deformed field V_s rather than the original mesh? If true, I believe I should be able to define it as a constrained nonlinear problem. I would appreciate if knowledgeable people could give me pointers or refer me to relevant examples.

Thanks a lot

Could you elaborate on your problem a bit more? I struggle to understand some details.

  • What is the \mathbf{dr} operator?
  • You write “The problem is to deform the geometry…” but also “I already know the mesh deformation”, so is the deformation known or unknown?

Jumping the gun:

Yes, certainly. Similar constructs show up all the time for Lagrangian and ALE formulations. This work comes to mind: mae-207-fea-for-coupled-problems/fsi/ at master · david-kamensky/mae-207-fea-for-coupled-problems · GitHub In lines 169 to 175 you’ll see that the differential operators are written for the deformed grid, given the underformed grid and the deformation field.

Thank you very much for your feedback and links. I agree the post is ambiguous but let me try to clarify by answering your questions:

  1. The operator \mathbf{dr} is over the entire volume/geometry.
  2. I know how the geometry (i.e. the mesh) is deformed according to \mathbf{V}_s which is a solution of Laplace equation. But the magnitude of deformation (a scalar s) is unknown and needs to be determined by the constraint equation. I hope I do not misuse the notations by relating the deformed space \mathbf{x}_s in terms of the original space \mathbf{x}:
\mathbf{x}_s = \mathbf{x} + s\mathbf{V}_\mathrm{s}(\mathbf{x}).

Of course one can solve this problem using the optimization approach. But my problem involves only a single parameter for which optimization appears to be overkill and I wanted to try the idea described in the question.