I’ve created a mesh from a file.geo using gmsh. I used dolfin-convert to convert it to xml, with hopes that I could use it with dolfin. However dolfin-convert does not produce the file_facet_region.xml, essential for the boundary conditions. If only I could make it produce that file, my problem would be solved.
So I tried meshio-convert, which produced two files: file_gmsh:geometrical.xml and file_gmsh:physical.xml, but it seems that they are not equivalent to the dolfin-convert files, and using them in dolfin as I use the dolfin-converted files return errors like
*** Error: Unable to read mesh function from XML file.
*** Reason: Type mismatch reading XML MeshFunction. MeshFunction type is “uint”, but file type is “int”.
I tried to fix the error by modifying the .xml file and changing “uint” to “int”, to no avail, i.e. I get the exact same error message despite the file containing only “int”, and no “uint”.
I then tried to use meshio-convert to produce xdmf files, but it produced an xdmf and an h5 file, which I do not know how to read/use with dolfin properly.
I’m used to do:
subdomains = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, physical_name_file)
boundary_parts = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, facet_name_file)
So here I am, lost on how to use the mesh I produced with gmsh in dolfin.
Here’s my file.geo:
Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromPoints = 0;
Mesh.CharacteristicLengthExtendFromBoundary = 1;
Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromCurvature = 0;
Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMin = lc/20;
Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax = lc;// bottom motif
a = 2;
b = 1;
c = 0.03;Point(2) = {-a/2, -b/2, -c/2};
Point(3) = {-a/2, b/2, -c/2};
Point(4) = {a/2, b/2, -c/2};
Point(5) = {a/2, -b/2, -c/2};Line(100) = {2,3};
Line(101) = {3,4};
Line(102) = {4,5};
Line(103) = {5,2};Line Loop(200) = {100,101,102,103};
Plane Surface(300) = {200};// top motif
Point(6) = {-a/2, -b/2, c/2};
Point(7) = {-a/2, b/2, c/2};
Point(8) = {a/2, b/2, c/2};
Point(9) = {a/2, -b/2, c/2};Line(104) = {6,7};
Line(105) = {7,8};
Line(106) = {8,9};
Line(107) = {9,6};Line Loop(201) = {104,105,106,107};
Plane Surface(301) = {201};// vertical lines between the 2 surfaces
Line(108) = {2, 6};
Line(109) = {7, 3};
Line(110) = {4, 8};
Line(111) = {5, 9};// left
Line Loop(202) = {108,104,109,-100};
Plane Surface(302) = {202};// front
Line Loop(203) = {103,108,-107,-111};
Plane Surface(303) = {203};// right
Line Loop(204) = {106,-111,-102,110};
Plane Surface(304) = {204};// back
Line Loop(205) = {-105,109,101,110};
Plane Surface(305) = {205};// auxiliary points over top and bottom surface
//rectangle 1
Point(112) = {-a/8,-b/8, c/2};
Point(113) = {-a/8,b/8,c/2};
Point(114) = {a/8, b/8,c/2};
Point(115) = {a/8,-b/8,c/2};Line(112) = {112,113};
Line(113) = {113,114};
Line(114) = {114,115};
Line(115) = {115,112};Line Loop(206) = {112,113,114,115};
Plane Surface(306) = {206};// rectangle 2
Point(116) = {-a/16+a/4,-b/16, -c/2};
Point(117) = {-a/16+a/4,b/16,-c/2};
Point(118) = {a/16+a/4, b/16,-c/2};
Point(119) = {a/16+a/4,-b/16,-c/2};Line(116) = {116,117};
Line(117) = {117,118};
Line(118) = {118,119};
Line(119) = {119,116};Line Loop(207) = {116,117,118,119};
Plane Surface(307) = {207};// rectangle 3
Point(120) = {-a/16+a/4,-b/16, c/2};
Point(121) = {-a/16+a/4,b/16,c/2};
Point(122) = {a/16+a/4, b/16,c/2};
Point(123) = {a/16+a/4,-b/16,c/2};Line(120) = {120,121};
Line(121) = {121,122};
Line(122) = {122,123};
Line(123) = {123,120};Line Loop(208) = {120,121,122,123};
Plane Surface(308) = {208};//rectangle 4
Point(124) = {-a/22,-b/22, -c/2};
Point(125) = {-a/22,b/22,-c/2};
Point(126) = {a/22, b/22,-c/2};
Point(127) = {a/22,-b/22,-c/2};Line(124) = {124,125};
Line(125) = {125,126};
Line(126) = {126,127};
Line(127) = {127,124};Line Loop(209) = {124,125,126,127};
Plane Surface(309) = {209};// Physical Surfaces to build the mesh.
Physical Surface(“bot_box”) = {300};
Physical Surface(“top_box”) = {301};
Physical Surface(“left_box”) = {302};
Physical Surface(“front_box”) = {303};
Physical Surface(“right_box”) = {304};
Physical Surface(“back_box”) = {305};// rectangular surfaces
Physical Surface(“rect_1”) = {306};
Physical Surface(“rect_2”) = {307};
Physical Surface(“rect_3”) = {308};
Physical Surface(“rect_4”) = {309};Surface Loop(400) ={300,301,302,304,303,305};
Physical Volume(1) = {400};
In the end I wish to apply boundary conditions on the Physical Surfaces(“rect_1”) through “rect_4”.
I would appreciate some guidance. Thank you!