Deforming an already compressed volume

I have a system (here simplified) of a deformed hyperelastic 2D disk, currently under compression from two rigid plates on its top and bottom surface. I know the deformed geometry, distance between the plates, the applied force and pressure exerted. I now want to set this as the starting state and calculate the updated shape if I either decrease or increase the distance between the plates (or if it is easier, if I increase or decrease the force/preassure). I have found a workable starting code (below) from a great post and this tutorial but these consider the “disk/volume” to not be initially compressed. How would I go about implementing this initial compression condition and then deform the volume from there? Any links, code etc would be very helpful!

# %%
from dolfin import *
from mshr import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# Create mesh of quarter circle (to take
# advantage of symmetry).
N = 32
R = 1.0
c = Circle(Point(0,0),R,4*N)
r1 = Rectangle(Point(-2*R,-2*R),Point(0,2*R))
r2 = Rectangle(Point(-2*R,-2*R),Point(2*R,0))
mesh = generate_mesh(c-r1-r2,N)
X = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
h = CellDiameter(mesh)

# Linear elasticity, for simplicity.  Replace with a nonlinear
# model (e.g., neo-Hookean) if displacements are large.
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh,"CG",1)
u = Function(V)
K = Constant(1.0)
G = Constant(1.0)
I = Identity(2)
eps = sym(grad(u))
sigma = K*tr(eps)*I + 2*G*(eps-tr(eps)*I/3)

# Penalty force:
x = X + u
R = Constant(R)
E = 9*K*G/(3*K+G)
C_pen = Constant(1e3) # (Dimensionless constant)
k_pen = C_pen*E/h # (Typical choice of contact penalty)
chi_pen = conditional(gt(x[1],R),1,Constant(0))
t_pen = k_pen*chi_pen*as_vector([Constant(0),R-x[1]])

# Residual of variational problem:
v = TestFunction(V)
res = inner(sigma,grad(v))*dx - dot(t_pen,v)*ds

# Quarter-symmetry BCs, with a constant vertical displacement
# applied to the bottom.
bdry_disp = Constant(0)
bcs = [DirichletBC(V.sub(0),Constant(0),"x[0]<DOLFIN_EPS"),

# Increase displacement and output force:
N_STEP = 7
MAX_DISP = 0.25
disp_inc = MAX_DISP/N_STEP
for i in range(0,N_STEP):
    # Increase the applied displacement and re-solve:
    # Assemble net penalty force to get resultant:
    print("Displacement = "+str(float(bdry_disp))
          +" , Force = "+str(assemble(-t_pen[1]*ds)))
    # Plot results:
# %%

Just wanted to follow up if anyone can provide me with insight on how to model an already compressed volume which I then want to further deform. I am currently translating the above fenics code into fenicsx and will share once that is done.

If you know the initial displacement field, consider using ALE.move(mesh, displacement) to initially deform your domain.