Hey everyone,
I am using Ubuntu 20.04 on Virtual-box where I am trying to run the Demos. (Fenics version 2019.2.0.dev0)
I keep getting an ImportError error while trying this and it does not matter which demo I run.

I followed the installation and set up tutorials given on:
I did not find any similar question posted on the forums. How can I solve this problem?
There seems to be an offset betwen the UFL version in this image (which is based on github), and the one that is based on bitbucket (In particular: https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project/ufl/commits/8338a861694c9949c29657ae97748845c7805ac2 / https://github.com/FEniCS/ufl/commit/8338a861694c9949c29657ae97748845c7805ac2#diff-dba2fc7d198c2c4a25e2c9009c10684d ).
The solution is to use the developer version of FEniCS (based on the master branch of ufl, ffc and dolfin), as it is fixed there.
If you’re using Ubuntu, you should probably consider using the Ubuntu packages for FEniCS rather than user-installed packages,
sudo apt-get install fenics
otherwise you get precisely this problem. The versions must match.
If you want a more recent packaged version than the standard Ubuntu repository provides, you could add the FEniCS PPA, https://launchpad.net/~fenics-packages/+archive/ubuntu/fenics