I don’t think I understand what derivative does in fenics and am hoping to clear this up with the following simple problem.
I have a form J in terms of a regular (as in not a trial or test function) function alpha that I am trying to take the derivative of, but for some reason this derivative is incorrect.
from fenics import *
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(16,16)
K = FunctionSpace(mesh,"DG",0)
alpha = Function(K)
J = inner(alpha,alpha)*dx
dJ = Function(K,assemble(derivative(J, alpha)))
dJtrue = 2*alpha
When running the above test code I would expect to get twice 4, as the derivative of J is 2*alpha, however I get 1.5e-5 instead for the first output.
I’m confused now ; your first post describes the behaviour of dolfin.derivative and the second that of ufl.diff. It would make sense for them to be the same, but the nuance is crucial when making the passage to dolfinx I think.
Besides, I can’t help but see from your post that you omitted the dx in the form prior to differentiation. In my case I don’t do that, and still seem to obtain reasonable results. It feels wrong to me to have a form with no dx. Would you care to comment on that ?
Thank you for these pointers. All provided examples differentiate a form with dx, but I guess it matters little for symbolic differentiation.
I guess my dismay comes from the fact I understood your first post wrong. For a moment there, I thought dolfin.derivative introduces an additional dx and thus requires a form with no dx.