Hello all!
I’m trying to update some legacy fenics code to fenicsx and I can’t fix the following problem:
When I try to assemble a mass matrix in a simple DG space, the resulting matrices coincide (more or less) for polynomial degrees 1 and 2, but they have different entries for polynomial degrees 3 and 4.
I create the corresponding spaces with
import dolfin as df
import scipy.sparse as scp
import numpy as np
import dolfinx as dfx
from mpi4py import MPI
import ufl
deg = 4
no_cells = 5
# mesh and function spaces
mesh_df = df.UnitIntervalMesh(no_cells)
mesh_dfx = dfx.mesh.create_unit_interval(MPI.COMM_SELF, no_cells)
V_df = df.FunctionSpace(mesh_df, 'DG', deg)
V_dfx = dfx.fem.FunctionSpace(mesh_dfx, ('DG', deg))
and the assembly of the matrices with
# Test and trial functions
u_df = df.TestFunction(V_df)
v_df = df.TrialFunction(V_df)
v_dfx = ufl.TestFunction(V_dfx)
u_dfx = ufl.TrialFunction(V_dfx)
# Setting up bilinear forms and assembling matrices
m_df_form = u_df*v_df*df.dx
M_df = df.PETScMatrix()
df.assemble(m_df_form, tensor=M_df)
m_dfx = u_dfx*v_dfx*ufl.dx
m_dfx_form = dfx.fem.form(m_dfx)
M_dfx = dfx.fem.petsc.assemble_matrix(m_dfx_form)
Since in fenics I worked with scipy matrices I’d first like to get the program running with fenicsx and scipy matrices and switch to petsc later, so I converted the matrices to a csr format:
# convert PETSc to scipy.sparse csr matrix
indptr, indices, data = M_df.mat().getValuesCSR()
M_csr_df = scp.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr))
indptr, indices, data = M_dfx.getValuesCSR()
M_csr_dfx = scp.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr))
To compare the entries in the matrices (they have a different order inside a cell in dolfin and dolfinx for higher polynomial degrees), I cut off any values smaller than a tolerance, then sort them by value and subtract the results.
tol = 1e-14
df_vals = np.sort( M_csr_df.A[np.abs(M_csr_df.A) > tol] )
dfx_vals = np.sort( M_csr_dfx.A[np.abs(M_csr_dfx.A) > tol] )
diff = df_vals - dfx_vals
max_val = np.max(np.abs(diff))
For max_val
I get the following results:
deg = 1
→ max_val = 2.7755575615628914e-17
deg = 2
→ max_val = 3.122502256758253e-17
deg = 3
→ max_val = 0.006666666666666662
deg = 4
→ max_val = 0.014814814814814788
I don’t know what I should do differently, so that it also works for polynomial degrees higher than 2.
My dolfinx version is 0.6.0 if that helps.
Thanks for your help!