Difference assembly dolfin vs dolfinx

Hello all!

I’m trying to update some legacy fenics code to fenicsx and I can’t fix the following problem:

When I try to assemble a mass matrix in a simple DG space, the resulting matrices coincide (more or less) for polynomial degrees 1 and 2, but they have different entries for polynomial degrees 3 and 4.

I create the corresponding spaces with

import dolfin as df

import scipy.sparse as scp
import numpy as np

import dolfinx as dfx
from mpi4py import MPI
import ufl

deg = 4
no_cells = 5

# mesh and function spaces
mesh_df = df.UnitIntervalMesh(no_cells)
mesh_dfx = dfx.mesh.create_unit_interval(MPI.COMM_SELF, no_cells)

V_df = df.FunctionSpace(mesh_df, 'DG', deg)
V_dfx = dfx.fem.FunctionSpace(mesh_dfx, ('DG', deg))

and the assembly of the matrices with

# Test and trial functions
u_df = df.TestFunction(V_df)
v_df = df.TrialFunction(V_df)

v_dfx = ufl.TestFunction(V_dfx)
u_dfx = ufl.TrialFunction(V_dfx)

# Setting up bilinear forms and assembling matrices
m_df_form = u_df*v_df*df.dx
M_df = df.PETScMatrix()
df.assemble(m_df_form, tensor=M_df)

m_dfx = u_dfx*v_dfx*ufl.dx
m_dfx_form = dfx.fem.form(m_dfx)
M_dfx = dfx.fem.petsc.assemble_matrix(m_dfx_form)

Since in fenics I worked with scipy matrices I’d first like to get the program running with fenicsx and scipy matrices and switch to petsc later, so I converted the matrices to a csr format:

# convert PETSc to scipy.sparse csr matrix
indptr, indices, data = M_df.mat().getValuesCSR()
M_csr_df = scp.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr))

indptr, indices, data = M_dfx.getValuesCSR()
M_csr_dfx = scp.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr))

To compare the entries in the matrices (they have a different order inside a cell in dolfin and dolfinx for higher polynomial degrees), I cut off any values smaller than a tolerance, then sort them by value and subtract the results.

tol = 1e-14
df_vals = np.sort( M_csr_df.A[np.abs(M_csr_df.A) > tol] )
dfx_vals = np.sort( M_csr_dfx.A[np.abs(M_csr_dfx.A) > tol] )

diff = df_vals - dfx_vals
max_val = np.max(np.abs(diff))

For max_val I get the following results:
deg = 1max_val = 2.7755575615628914e-17
deg = 2max_val = 3.122502256758253e-17
deg = 3max_val = 0.006666666666666662
deg = 4max_val = 0.014814814814814788

I don’t know what I should do differently, so that it also works for polynomial degrees higher than 2.

My dolfinx version is 0.6.0 if that helps.

Thanks for your help!

This is because you are using a different lagrange variant in DOLFINx, see:
To illustrate this, consider the following one element problem

import dolfinx as dfx
from mpi4py import MPI
import ufl
import scipy.sparse as scp
import basix.ufl_wrapper
import basix

deg = 3
no_cells = 1

# mesh and function spaces
def compute_matrix(element):
    mesh_dfx = dfx.mesh.create_unit_interval(MPI.COMM_SELF, no_cells)
    ufl_element = basix.ufl_wrapper.BasixElement(element)

    V_dfx = dfx.fem.FunctionSpace(mesh_dfx, ufl_element)

    v_dfx = ufl.TestFunction(V_dfx)
    u_dfx = ufl.TrialFunction(V_dfx)

    # Setting up bilinear forms and assembling matrices

    m_dfx = u_dfx*v_dfx*ufl.dx
    m_dfx_form = dfx.fem.form(m_dfx)
    M_dfx = dfx.fem.petsc.assemble_matrix(m_dfx_form)

    indptr, indices, data = M_dfx.getValuesCSR()
    M_csr_dfx = scp.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr))
    return M_csr_dfx

element = basix.create_element(basix.ElementFamily.P, basix.CellType.interval, deg,
                               basix.LagrangeVariant.gll_warped, True)

element2 = basix.create_element(basix.ElementFamily.P, basix.CellType.interval, deg,
                               basix.LagrangeVariant.equispaced, True)

M1 = compute_matrix(element)
M2 = compute_matrix(element2)


[[ 0.07142857  0.01190476  0.02661986 -0.02661986]
 [ 0.01190476  0.07142857 -0.02661986  0.02661986]
 [ 0.02661986 -0.02661986  0.35714286  0.05952381]
 [-0.02661986  0.02661986  0.05952381  0.35714286]]
[[ 0.07619048  0.01130952  0.05892857 -0.02142857]
 [ 0.01130952  0.07619048 -0.02142857  0.05892857]
 [ 0.05892857 -0.02142857  0.38571429 -0.04821429]
 [-0.02142857  0.05892857 -0.04821429  0.38571429]]

while they are equal for deg=2, as there are only one dof, which makes gll_warped == equispaced


Is there a recommended lagrange variant? / Which Lagrange variant coincides with the standard one from fenics for DG elements?

As you can see in

GLL fixes Runge’s phenomenon that is experienced with equispaced elements, thus that is what is used under the hood in dolfinx as default:

Old dolfin uses equispaced elements.

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How can I create a a VectorFunctionSpace with equispaced nodes, as in your element2?

When I try

element = basix.create_element(basix.ElementFamily.P, basix.CellType.interval, deg, basix.LagrangeVariant.equispaced, True)
ufl_element = basix.ufl_wrapper.BasixElement(element)
V = dfx.fem.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh_dfx, ufl_element)
V = dfx.fem.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh_dfx, ufl_element, dim)

it doesn’t work. I don’t get an error message, but my program just keeps running and running…

Use: basix.ufl_wrapper — Basix 0.6.0 documentation
and dfx.fem.FunctionSpace(mesh_dfx, ufl_element)

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